Father and son

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Pan's camp was having a celebration. His boys and your girls were dancing and howling like wolves around the fire. You and Peter were sat in the middle of the dancers by the fire, Pan was holding his pipes watching Henry closely and you were observing the whole situation feeling relaxed.

Pan suddenly got up and walked over to Henry, you watched him your head tilted slightly to the side listening.

"Not going to join in the celebration Henry?" He asked sitting down.

"Nothing to celebrate," Henry shrugged.

"Nothing to celebrate?" Pan repeated looking confused, "Henry this whole party is to celebrate you."

"Me? Why?" Henry seemed suspicious like he could sense Pan was up to something.

"Because you've come to save magic of course!" Pan responded smiling slightly, "And I, for one, can't think of a reason more deserving of celebration than that."

"Just look at them, even Y/N's girls are happy," he gestured with his head to the lost boys and your group dancing around the fire without a care in the world.

"I'm not like them," Henry argued, "Or you."

"Sure you are," Pan smirked slightly, "You're still a lost boy."

"Maybe a song will get you on your feet." Pan brought his pipes up to his lips and started playing them. The beautiful sound hit your ears and you smiled unconsciously, you loved the sound they made. It reminded you of tropical jungle and hot, sandy beaches.

"Sorry. I don't hear anything," Henry shook his head. You wondered if Henry would say that, clearly he didn't feel abandoned yet.

"Interesting," Pan muttered looking at Henry with a half puzzled expression.

"You see, this pipe is enchanted, Henry. It can only be heard by certain children." Pan explained to him.

"Like who?" Henry asked.

At that moment Felix and Ayra appeared in the clearing, you got to your feet and walked over to them casting a spell around you that meant no one else would be able to listen in to your conversation.

"What?" Pan asked ending his talk with Henry and striding over to you, Felix and Ayra, "I know that look, what happened?"

"Baelfire," Felix said simply, "I'm afraid he got away."

"Than why didn't you get him back?" You asked urgently.

"We tried," Ayra told you eyeing Pan slightly cautiously, "We followed his trail and found two of the sentries knocked out. By a sleeping spell."

Peter glanced at you his eyebrows furrowed together. "The Dark One," you said smirking ever so slightly, they nodded. 

"So, father and son have been reunited," Pan joined the dots.

"They'll be coming for the boy," Felix nodded to Henry, "We should move him somewhere safe."

"Now now, Felix," you stopped him an evil glint appearing in your eye, "Where's your sense of adventure?"

"Yeah. We can't end the party when the real fun is about to begin." The four of you looked over at Henry who was sat on his log away from the others looking slightly uncomfortable. Pan was right, the real fun would start soon.


The party continued, you and Ayra were sat slightly away from the dancing others talking quietly. Pan and Felix were in their normal place in the centre of the camp keeping a close eye on Henry.

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