Skull Rock

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Felix rowed the wooden boat while Ayra sat next to you and held you steady. You chuckled at one point thinking that if Ayra wasn't there you probably would have fallen in the dark dangerous waters. It all looked calm on the surface but scary creatures were lurking deep under the water. You knew, from experience, not to touch the water. You didn't want to imagine what the Mermaids would do when they realised Pan's favourite girl was in their grasp. They'd had a history of being very jealous.

You watched the Rock getting closer and you could feel your heart pounding against your chest. You were nervous. If this plan didn't work you'd die it was as simple as that. You could feel your body starting to give in, this meant Pan must be feeling the power drain as well.

When you arrived you could see the boat Peter used tied on a ring on the rock floor. You climbed out the boat with Ayra's help and sat on a rock breathing heavily.

"Let's keep going," Felix took your arm again and they continued helping you further onto the rock.

There was a line in the sand that you know was Peter's protection spell and the three of you walked across it without any problems. There was a small slope that led up to the main cave which you dreaded walking up due to your weak state.

The main cave was a big open area lit by fire torches casting creepy shadows onto the walls. Skulls of all sizes were carved into the walls and floor making the place even creepier. In the centre of the cave was a giant hourglass surrounded by golden skulls that were shimmering slightly.

Peter suddenly appeared from one of the side corridors and walked towards you. "What's wrong?" you asked noticing the unsure expression on his face.

"The saviour and the group have just broken the protection spell," he answered, "Go and put Y/N down over there and stay with her."

Felix and Ayra walked you over to a big skull on the other side of the cave and you sat on it resting your hands on the rock to keep yourself steady. "Someone is coming up, keep an eye on all of them," Peter warned and you nodded in response.

You watched anxiously as a shadow moved along the walls and someone approached the cave. When they came around the corner, you saw it was Rumple on his own.

"Hello, laddie," Pan greeted playing it cool, "Oh I see you've come bearing gifts." You spotted Pandora's box in Rumple's hands, it was very obvious that he intended Pan to go in there.

"Where's Henry?" Rumple growled glaring at Pan.

"Oh, you mean my great-grandson?" Pan paused for a second, "You still haven't told the others who I really am?" Pan scoffed and walked coolly away winking at you as he turned, "Not even you're own son. Why?"

"Because you're nothing but a coward to me," Rumpled answered his voice still sounding more like a wolf's growl.

 "We both know if that were true, I'd already be in that box." You always found it so impressive that Peter could stay so calm and collected during scenarios like this, it was an art.

"You don't think I can do it? You let me inside just to, uh, taunt me?"

"No," Pan answered simply his voice like poison, "To see you again, to give you one last chance. Stay with me. Let this go.  Let's start over."

Sometimes, when he was talking to Rumple, you could never be sure if he was lying or not. You knew since you came to Neverland about Pan's past but he never really talked about it after that.

"Do you think I wanna be with you?" Rumpled asked, "That I could ever forgive you after you abandoned me?"  You held back a laugh at this statement. A little bit hypocritical there.

"I'm disappointed, Rumple," Pan sighed and you could tell he found it funny as well, "After all these years, I thought you'd be more... understanding, considering you did the same thing to your son." You couldn't help but laughed a little, Rumple had that coming. "You traded Baelfire for the power of a dagger, and I traded you for youth. We're a lot more alike than you care to admit."

"We're nothing alike," Rumple disagreed instantly.

"Oh, of course, we are and it's nothing to be ashamed of. Neither one of us was cut to be a father, m'boy."

Sometimes this particular bit of information annoyed and hurt you. Obviously, you loved Pan with all your heart, but what if you had wanted children one day? At this rate, nothing past tomorrow was possible unless Peter hurried up.

"I regretted leaving my son the moment I let him go. I spent my life trying to find him, to get him back. And what did you do? You forgot about me having fun with your little girlfriend." Rumple nodded to you at the last part and you glared at him.

"I never forgot about you!" Pan insisted, "Why do you think I call myself Peter Pan?" You could never imagine calling Peter his real name, Malcome. It just didn't sound as right as Peter or Pan when he was feeling evil.

"Don't think for a moment I believe it's because you care for me."

"But I do," Peter sounded so defeated it made you sad just listening hearing it, "All you have to do is put down that box, and you'll see it's true. We can make the fresh start you always wanted, together, just as we planned." 

You didn't care much about this, you needed Peter to hurry up, you didn't have long.

"Oh, I'm gonna make a fresh start." Then Rumple whispered, "Just not with you." Then he moved his hand in a circular movement over the box, you expected it to glow red and Pan to vanish, but absolutely nothing happened.

"I don't understand," Rumple muttered confused.

"Cause you don't have it," Pan responded pulling out the real Pandora's box and holding it out impressively. You were surprised, you were in on this whole plan and he still managed to surprise you. He always had a backup plan.

Rumple's face fell as he realised what was happening. "You switched them."

"Follow the lady," Pan replied smugly, "Still having trouble believing. In Neverland all you have to do is think of something to have it. Even something fake." He chuckled slightly holding the box higher, "But the real one. Well, let's see what it can do." 

Pan waved his hand over the box and the gem turned red as red smoke started billowing out of it. "No," Rumple breathed but it did nothing. He froze as the smoke engulfed him.

"I'm sorry Rumple, you had your chance. The choice was yours." The red smoke went back into the box and Rumple was gone.

"We really need to hurry this up, I haven't got long left," you groaned feeling the last amount of your energy leaving your body. "We will don't worry. Henry, come back in here."

The young boy appeared out of a side cave and looked at you curiously, "Why are you here Y/N?"

"I wanted to watch you save magic, of course," you replied smiling. Henry nodded and walked over to examine the hourglass. Pan placed Pandora's box on a nearby rock and walked back over to Henry.

"It's time, Henry. Time to save magic, to save Neverland."

"What do I have to do?"

Hey guys, a bit of a filler chapter I know but the next one will kick everything around a bit.

Hope you all enjoyed comment, vote, follow and all that jazz if you did. Thank you for reading.
Lotta love

PS. It was mentioned in a previous chapter that this storyline is a little bit confusing. If anyone is confused message me or comment.

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