The one?

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Peter flew quickly to Skull rock desperate to hear what his Shadow had discovered. But at the same time, as he landed on the rock, he was worried that it would tell him bad news.

His Shadow was floating a few feet off the ground it's glowing eyes fixed on him, unblinkingly. The weird thing about shadows was that when you ripped them away from your body they become slightly transparent. You would have thought they would look solid considering when they are attached to someone and the sun came out they looked solid.

"What did you find out?" Peter asked trying to keep urgency out of his voice, his shadow would take the piss if he sounded desperate or weak. 

"It was difficult finding anything to do with Y/N's condition," the Shadow started to float around keeping its eyes on Peter, "Because of the unique way she obtained magical power the problems she faces have never been documented."

Its low voice was a very calming thing to hear. For some reason the sound made Peter feel safe, although he would never admit that to anyone, apart from Y/N, he could tell her anything. All his worries, all his late night random thoughts, she knew everything.

His mind snapped back to the problem at hand a pang of worry and dread hitting him when he remembered you weren't with him, you were currently in a deep, coma-like sleep.

"So, what's wrong with her and how do we fix it?" He pushed taking a small step towards it. It paused for a second as if it was deciding what to say, odd it had never done that before it was normally very blunt.

"I know you care about her Pan. From what I found out you will have to make a great sacrifice to save her. One I don't know if you'll be willing to take."

Peter's eyebrows furrowed together making his confusion obvious. "What's that supposed to mean?"

Peter got that vibe that if his Shadow could visibly roll its eyes it probably would.

"There are one or two ways you might be able to save her but I'm not promising anything. Like I said earlier, she is completely unique."

"Just tell me and stop dragging it on," Pan snapped getting impatient. He had been away from you long enough and was starting to get anxious.

"Are you willing to change your entire plan for her? And when I say change your entire plan I mean you need to let go of the reasons you want Henry and use him for something else." It said quickly trying to give him the information as fast as possible.

Peter thought for a second. Was he willing to sacrifice his wanting for eternal youth? Was he willing to sacrifice his power? All for a girl? Peter knew she was no ordinary girl, no. You were special, not just in a magical way, she was special to Peter on a personal level. He had often thought that Y/N the one.

Like a soulmate, he wanted to always be with her, protect her, cherish her, love her and much more. He knew, deep down, that if something ever happened to her he would do anything to get them back together. Even if that meant going to the depths of the Underworld with her.

He rubbed the back of his neck thinking hard, the decision he made now would effect the future in a huge way. He needed to be very careful.

An imagine floated into his mind's eye of Y/N. She was lying on a table covered in flowers and moss, her lips were faint in colour and her skin was inhumanly pale. Peter didn't need to think too hard to figure out what was going on in this image. It was Y/N, very clearly dead.

"What would happen to her, if I did nothing?" Peter asked grimacing slightly as if the thought of doing nothing was giving in physical pain.

"She would lose her magic," the Shadow paused for a second.

"Just tell me," Peter said a blank expression on his face knowing to prepare himself for the worse. 

"Her magical powers extended her life keeping her young. With her powers gone, she will die. She will slowly slip away just like the years that have passed."

For the first time in years, Peter felt his eyes watering and stinging. He turned his body away and faced the wall so his Shadow wouldn't see his weak moment.

"You must make a decision." His Shadow was starting to annoy him, the subtle happiness in its voice was telling Peter it was enjoying seeing him in pain. 

"Leave me," he said dangerously quietly his voice laced with fury.

The Shadow flew away creating a gentle breeze that ruffled his hair slightly. He sighed deeply and sank down to sit on the floor resting his face in his hands. He was in a tough situation and he had no idea what to do.

On one hand, he had the plan he had thought up so detailed and so precisely. Part of him didn't want to throw away all his hard work or the end goal of the plan, immortality and power. But on the other hand, he had the girl he loved so much, the girl he cared for so dearly. Even if he wanted to leave her to die and continue his plan, he didn't think he would be able to.

He stood up abruptly and flew back to his camp without looking back at Skull Rock.

When he arrived he didn't speak a word to anyone, he just walked straight into his tent where you were. Inside Felix and Ayra were speaking quietly to each other and you were still sound asleep, a peaceful expression resting on your face.

"How was she?" Peter asked sitting down on the edge of the bed and squeezing your hand gently. 

"Think she's alright so far, didn't move or make any noise," Ayra answered quietly.

"Thank you," Peter responded not taking his eyes off your face. He missed the puzzled look Felix and Ayra shared, Peter Pan, the dangerous, demon-like boy now cared?

"Could you leave me with her? Just for a little while, please." Ayra and Felix walked out quickly closing the tent flaps behind them. He ran a finger across your cheek, your skin was still so soft and the feeling made him smile slightly. "I'm never going to leave you. I promise," he whispered leaning down and kissing your forehead carefully.

"Shadow," he said forcefully when he had sat up. A small gust of wind behind him told him that his Shadow was behind him. 

"Have you made your choice?" it asked.

Peter looked over at it with a determined look on his face, "I'm going to save her. Tell me what I need to do."

Hey hey hey, how is everyone?
It's been a while but not that Christmas and New Year are both over I'm going to start updating more regularly again.

Pan decided to help Y/N instead of continuing with his plan, so cute. One thing I need to say though is I'm now going to be moving away from the OUAT storyline but it may cross over a little bit.

Lotta love

If anyone wants to ask any questions feel free to and they can be about anything.

Beast✔️Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora