Next phase of the plan

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You were sat in your stolen throne, the youngest girls sat in a huddle at your feet as you told them the exciting story of an evil Prince who was trying to win the heart of a beautiful princess by giving her a magic potion. 

They loved hearing stories every evening before they went to bed. The older girls would be dotted around doing various jobs pretending not to be listening.

The fire pit in the middle of the platform giving off an orange glow illuminating the young excited girl's faces.

Ayra was pacing up and down at the edge watching the dark forest below, she was a loyal girl and you trusted her with your life but she didn't trust anyone but you, maybe a one or two other girls but that was it. Hence her repetitive pacing up and down like a tiger.

"The Princess ran through the castle laughing as the evil Prince chased close behind her, she thought he was just playing but he wasn't. The potion was clasped tightly in his hand ready to offer it to her as water when they stopped running," you paused for dramatic effect, the eyes of your audience fixed on you holding their breath.

"What happens next?" Natalie asked quietly leaning forward expectantly. You smiled slightly at them frozen waiting for you to carry on.

"That is what we will find out tomorrow night, but now time for bed." You told them standing up and stretching. Some of them groaned and some of them got up chatting excitedly about the story. You heard several of them say, "Goodnight, Y/N," and you waved back to them walking over to Ayra.

"Being someone so feared and so powerful you sure are good with children," she complimented, you chuckled looking at the night sky.

"I didn't take them as Pan did. I took them out of dangerous situations and brought them to a safe place. Most of them are orphans but if they ever want to go home I'll let them go willingly, that's the difference between me and Pan." She nodded approvingly gazing out over the forest.

"Speaking of Pan, I need to go and see him," you told her, her head snapped towards you her eyes dark.

"Why?" You could hear the obvious hate in her voice.

"We need to discuss something. You can come if you want I'm going down to his camp," you offered.

"Sure," she replied bluntly after a small pause, you smirked knowing she was secretly glad to be going down there. You walked back to the older girls talking in the main room.

"Tessa. Me and Ayra are going to sort something out, you know what to do while we're gone," you told a girl with dirty blonde hair, she nodded then continued her conversation. You and Ayra walked towards a long piece of rope stretching from the treehouse and down into the dark forest below.

"After you," you bowed to Ayra, she rolled her eyes at you before looping a rag over the rope and holding it in both hands. "You can fly, why are you coming this way?" She asked as you took out your own rag and looped it around the rope behind her.

"It's a good entrance," you replied laughing.

She rolled her eyes again before stepping off the platform and going quickly down the zip line. You waited a second before going after her. The zip lines were dotted around the tree for the girls to travel faster down to the forest floor, they were fun but it wasn't as fun as flying.

When you could see the ground between the trees coming closer you got ready to let go of one side. You fell for a second before you rolled over one side of your shoulder like a ninja.

You straightened up smiling. "That was fun," Ayra didn't reply just pulled the hood of her cloak up to hide her face.

There was a faint orange glow of a fire from Pan's camp which was casting creepy shadows on the dark tree trunks. You paused just outside the camp, you could see the Lost Boys milling around talking quietly to each other. Pan was talking to Felix on the other side of the clearing, his handsome face half-covered in shadow, his arms were crossed making his muscle more defined.

As planned Henry wasn't in sight, without looking at Ayra you walked confidently into his camp.

The second you came through the trees and the boys spotted you they immediately pulled their weapons out and pointed them at you. Ayra shifted nervously next to you and pulled out her bow pointing her arrow at the nearest lost boy.

"Relax boys, they're not here to fight," You heard Pan's confident voice coming closer. The boys parted and Pan was revealed smirking slightly at the sight of you an evil glint in his eye, Felix was close behind him eyeing the tip of Ayra's arrow that was now pointed at his face. "Nice to see you, Y/N."

"Likewise," you replied bluntly. "Tell your guard dogs to put their weapons down," you told him gesturing to the weapons pointed at you.

He paused for a second before saying, "Its alright boys they're only here to talk." The Lost Boys slowly lowered their weapons although some held tightly to the handles their knuckles turning white.

"Boys me and Y/N have some business to discuss so go back to what you were doing. Felix, stay with Ayra." The boys went back to whatever they were doing before but still glanced at you every so often. Felix and Ayra were stood glaring at each other.

"Play nicely," you told her before following Pan towards his tent.

His tent was surprisingly cosy the canvas walls were a cream colour, there was some oak wood furniture pushed to the edges and a double bed was in the centre covered in a different mixture of animal skins.

"So the next phase of the plan......"

Wassup guys, hope you liked this chapter. Don't be a ghost reader, would love some comments.
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