Asking advise

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Peter's Shadow had explained a few ways that Pan could help Y/N but none of them were very helpful. Peter just needed Y/N to wake up so he could talk to her about what he could do to help her.

One evening, while he was sat with Y/N a thought popped into his head. At first, he thought it was a terrible idea but after thinking about it more it didn't sound so terrible. He stood up, kissed Y/N on the cheek and left the tent.

He walked over to Ayra and Felix who were sat by the fire talking, there were getting along very well which helped. "I'm going away for a while, keep an eye on her." They both nodded and Peter started to walk away but was stopped by a voice.


Turning around he realised it was Henry, "What?" he asked sourly not bothering to sound nice.

"Where are you going? You keep disappearing and it's a little bit suspicious don't you think?-"
Henry continued to drone on but Pan was ignoring him. Peter was seriously considering knocking Henry out with a sleeping spell so he could leave. There was a little voice in his head that sounded exactly like Y/N saying, 'Do it.'

Pan sighed, "Wow, Henry look over there!" He pointed over Henry's shoulder to nothing in particular. 

"What is it?" Henry asked interestedly. In response, Peter put him to sleep with a spell. The younger boy froze then fell backwards landing on the floor with a thud.

Peter looked up to see all the Lost Boys, plus Ayra, watching him half confused, half amused. Felix was chuckling slightly then continued eating. Peter rolled his eyes and walked out of camp with all the boys watching him. He comforted himself by thinking that Y/N would have laughed at him making Henry sleep to avoid his questions.

He took a deep breath and resumed what he was meant to be doing. He did a locator spell to find out where the group was, well he knew exactly where they were. But today he just needed one of them.

He smirked then teleported to their location.

He arrived behind a tree just next to the rescue group, his eyes scanned over them until he saw her. She was sat by the fire talking to Neal and Hook her pale face illuminated by its glow.

Gathering up as much power as he could until forced it out of him and towards the group. The fire went out and they all collapsed instantly, apart from one. She stood up quickly looking around nervously. Needing her advice Peter stepped out of his hiding place and walked towards her.

"What are you doing here?" Mary Margret asked looking threatened.

"I just came to talk," he sighed sitting down on a log that Hook was previously sat on and relighting the fire. His calm tone and missing smirk threw Mary Margret off, she was expecting him to come here and boast about something.

"Sit, I've come to ask you for advice." She furrowed her eyebrows confused, Pan had dark circles under his eyes and the evil, mischievous glint had left his eyes. She slid onto the log next to him but didn't relax, she kept her eyes fixed on the teenagers every move.

"What do you need?" she asked her tone a bit softer, she could sense something had changed in him. 

"I need your advice, if you're willing to answer a few questions for me, that is," he stated looking her defeatedly in the eyes. Y/N had only been asleep a few days but that had taken its toll on Peter. She nodded and waited for him to continue.

"What would you do if someone you loved dearly was asleep and you couldn't wake them up?" His question threw her completely, she wasn't expecting to give Peter Pan this kind of help.

"Um... are we talking about a potion remedy or magic, because Regina and Rumple might be better to ask than me." She responded still clearly very confused.

"I need a way to wake her up and magic won't do anything," he told her warming his hands on the fire. 

"Is it Y/N?" she connected the dots crossing her arms and leaning forward slightly, he looked her in the eye then nodded slowly.

There was an awkward silence between them the crackling of the fire the only thing they would hear. Peter had never been in this situation before, he considered the people asleep on the floor his enemies but now he was asking one of them for help. Loving someone can make people do some weird things.

"There is one thing you can do," she eventually said a thinking look on her round face.

"What's that?"

"True loves kiss." Peter chuckled slightly he never believed in true loves kiss but he was prepared to do anything to wake Y/N up. "I can't think of anything else that would work, it's worked for me so why wouldn't it work for you?" she persuaded him tilting her head to the side. 

"Because I'm the villain, and villains don't get happy endings," he said sounding defeated.
Mary Margret didn't respond instantly which made it obvious she agreed that he was the villain.

"Everyone deserves a happy ending, no matter who they are." She tentatively placed a hand comfortingly on his shoulder, he glanced at it then at her and nodded. 

"I really hope you're right."

"Well, you don't know until you find out," he turned again and saw a small smile on her kind face. 

"Thank you, Mary Margret," he said standing up and backing away from her.

"The others will wake up soon, tell them what I asked if you want or don't. It's up to you." She nodded looking around at the others still asleep. "Thank you for helping me, seriously," he even surprised himself at how grateful he was that she helped him.

 "I hope everything goes alright." In the blink of an eye, he was gone.

She was still trying to make sense of what just happened, she helped the enemy, she helped Peter Pan. But the bad feeling went away quickly because he didn't seem like a villain during their conversation, he just seemed like a teenager, a teenager who was in love.

I thought I should give you all a double update because I have been gone a while. If you enjoyed would love a vote really appreciate it.
Lotta love

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