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"Why are we up here?" Henry asked curiously looking over the edge at the top of the cliff you had brought him to.

"You said you wanted to learn to fight, this is where we can learn without being distracted or interrupted," you told him looking over the edge of the high cliff at Neverland.

This also happened to be the place you and Pan watched the sunrise, but Henry didn't need to know that detail.

"What do you want to start with?" You asked eventually. He thought for a moment then replied in one word, "Swords."

"As you wish," you replied smiling as you made two real swords appear.

"Real ones?" He questioned taking the handle you offered him, his eye wide with happiness and shock.

"Why not?" You asked swinging it through your wrist as if were as light as a feather.

"But what if I get stabbed and bleed?" He asked now looking doubtful.

"Then you'll learn."

That's what Peter had told you when you had asked that question all those years ago. "Ok," he muttered still looking slightly doubtful.

"Let's get started," you said getting into position.


To say he was good at sword fighting would be a lie, it's not that he wasn't good you were just way better. But it was his first try and you were patient with him. He had gotten tired of you winning every time and disarming him easily.

"Don't worry we can try again tomorrow if you like," You told him teleporting back to the treehouse.

"Archery next?" He asked an excited glint in his eyes, "Can you teach me to use a crossbow?"

You thought for a second, "Sure, but we will have to back into Pan's camp to do it. He is way better at teaching than I am." You lied to him.

He gave a slight groan, "Why? You said you stole me, why must we go back to him?"

"Like I said he is much better at explaining than me. He won't steal you back don't worry we have a mutual agreement."

"What's that?" He asked curiously. You turned and smiled at him slightly.

"It means that we steal things off each other but we can't steal the same object twice. That also affects you." Lie, this was never a rule you just made it up so he would feel more reassured.

"Oh," he paused for a second, "What would happen if something was taken twice?"

"Depending on how valuable the object, it would probably just end up in a war," you explained just so he felt more relaxed about going to Pan's camp.

"When will we go?" He asked sounding like he felt more comfortable with the idea.

"Whenever you want to learn it," you told him.

He looked like he was doing some hard thinking. Clearly, the pull to learn archery was stronger than the fear of getting taken back by Pan. "And he won't steal me again?" He asked eyebrows raised.

"He won't. Unless you want to stay with him," he looked at you a frown on his young face, "It's just an offer," you raised your arms in surrender.

He nodded, "Ok, let's go." You smirked slightly when he wasn't watching, privately you were glad you could see Pan again.


You walked with Henry slightly behind you into Pan's camp. The older lost boys were stood in a rough line facing the clearing, their heads covered by their hoods. Felix was knelt down by the fire using his club for support.

"Pan," You called. All on eyes were on you and Felix watched you closely his head tilted to one side slightly. "Where is he?" You demanded from Felix crossing your arms.

"Hello, darling." He walked out from behind a tree a slightly smug look on his face. "What brings you here?"

"Henry wants to learn to use a crossbow and as you're the best person for the job. I told him you could help," You stated looking up at his handsome face as he stepped closer to you.

"Sure, I'll help," he replied his voice low making the hairs on the back of your neck stand up.

Henry drew close to you as another Lost Boy appeared holding a crossbow and some a small jar.

"What's that?" He asked curiosity pulling him immediately as Pan dipped the tip of the arrow into the jar.

You took the opportunity to leave Henry so you flew up and lied down on a hanging bed made of bamboo. You propped yourself up on your elbow, one of your legs swinging off the side and watched the interaction between the devil himself and the innocent Henry.

"Dreamshade," Pan answered taking the arrow out and blowing it slightly, "It's a nasty poison."

Henry looked up at you worried, you nodded encouragingly.

"We have a story here about a man who once shot an apple off his son's head with an arrow. Let's find out if it's possible." He skillfully twirled the arrow in his fingers, his British accent keeping Henry hanging on his every word.

"If you're shooting the arrow, what's the poison for?" Henry asked seeing a loophole.

"Motivation not to miss?" You suggested shrugging slightly a small smirk appearing on your face. Pan looked over at you and winked causing butterflies to flutter around your body.

"Felix!" He called to his loyal second in command, "Get over here." Felix stood up and wandered casually towards Pan slinging his club over his shoulder.

"I-Is Felix good? Is-is his aim good?" Henry stuttered nervously.

"Doesn't matter," Pan replied glancing at Felix. The blonde boy smirked an evil smirk a bit of wood in between his teeth.

"You're the one doing the shooting." Henry took the crossbow looking down at the wooden weapon in shock. "But I-I don't wanna shoot it," Henry looked nervously at Pan who gave him no mercy.

Felix caught the blood-red apple off Pan and started walking backwards until there was enough space between him and Henry. "Shoot, shoot, shoot," the other boys started to chant watching eagerly for Henry to shoot Felix. You watch Henry closely, he became timid and scared, he didn't want to shoot Felix.

"You won't hit him," Pan encouraged over the choruses of, 'Shoot, shoot,' from the boys.

He looked up at you screaming with his eyes for you to step in. "Trust yourself, go on," you nodded smiling kindly.

"Come on, it's exhilarating," Pan smiled a glint in his eyes. Felix had balanced the apple on his head now chanting, 'Shoot, shoot,' himself.

There was a silence as, reluctantly, Henry aimed the crossbow at Felix. No one moved apart from the gentle wind causing the feathers braided into Felix's hair to float slightly. It was like in slow motion; instead of Henry shooting at Felix he turned and aimed at Pan. You sat up quickly as Henry pulled the trigger a wave of panic going over you.

When the arrow was inches from Pan's chest, he caught it. The boys cheered impressed with their leader. You released a breath you didn't realise you were holding in and lied back down before anyone saw you'd reacted.

"Told you it was exhilarating," he smirked dropping the arrow. He took the crossbow off Henry and passed it a lost boy. "Come on, I want to show you something," Pan started to lead Henry to the other side of the camp.

Henry looked nervously over at you, you nodded. "I'm not going anywhere," you smiled as he followed Pan away. "Not long now... not long now," you muttered lying down completely in the hanging bed.

Hey hey hey, I know been a while. I'm not gonna make up excuses but some stuff been happening in my life so kinda busy right now but I'll get a more regular schedule for ya. You know what to do if you enjoyed.

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