Chapter One

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The wind outside of Klaus's apartment bellows loudly, rain pattering against his windowsill. His eyes peer out, catching a glance of the terrible weather they'd been having recently. A dark and drab gray color blankets the sky, making him frown as he sits up from the couch.

It's just reaching eight at night, the sun now completely invisible and the moon shining brightly from above. Klaus sighs, pressing his lips to the bottle, sipping down the alcohol as if it were water. This feeling is so normal to him, it seems.


The call from his phone brings him out of his thoughts and into reality. His eyes peer down, looking at the name. He rolls his eyes, letting the soft buzzing noise continue as he ignores her once again.

Klaus knows she's mad at him. He can't blame her, though. Isn't everything he does wrong? Well, that's what it feels like at least.

The buzzing continues for a few moments until it stops, only to continue again seconds later, her name still appearing on the screen.

A small smirk plays at his lips as he listens to her heels click against the pavement from outside his apartment. He can practically see the scowl on her face as she races up the stairs. It's only moments later when a hard knock on the door interrupts Klaus from his drinking.

"Hello, love," he greets the blonde as she pushes past him, purposely bumping shoulders.

"What the hell, Klaus?" she stands, hands on her hips, her lips pursed and hair soaked from the rain.

"Oh come on, I was just having a little fun," Klaus smirks, his dimples showing.

She stands her ground, fighting the urge to give in to him once again.

"Fun? You call killing a whole night club fun? I had to clean that up! Do you know how long cleaning up a trail of dead bodies and wiping the blood from a dance floor takes? Hours. And then you have the decency to not return any of my calls?! Screw you, Klaus. I don't even know why I came here," she rolls her eyes, heading for the door.

Klaus catches her arm before she can leave, forcing her to look him in the eyes. Those eyes... they always make her stay.

"I'm sorry. I messed up. I'll fix it," he apologizes, his voice low yet soft.

She scoffs, "how can you possibly fix it? Klaus, I always clean up after you. I always fix your mistakes. I'm done with it, with you. I can't do it anymore, I really can't. I feel like I'm losing my mind."

His hand makes its way to her cheeks, cupping them. He closes his eyes.

"I know. I don't deserve you, Caroline Forbes. I don't know why you continue to stay with me. You could have the whole world, and yet I fail to give that to you," he feels the tears stinging his eyes.

Maybe it's from the alcohol in his system, maybe it's always been there, but a sharp feeling of sadness hits him all at once.

"Why can't I do anything right?" he cries, resting his head on her shoulder.

She sighs, the anger flowing out of her all at once. She always gives into him, doesn't she?

"Stop that," she lifts his head up, kissing his lips passionately. Their heads rest against each other's as they stand there, crying.

"I can't say you're wrong. I can't accept your apology again and tell you everything will be alright. I can't tell you that you can ever make up for all the nights you've left me alone while you sat here, drinking away your feelings. But I can say I love you, Klaus. I will never stop loving you, no matter how hard I try," Caroline's voice nearly breaks at the end, her cries turning into soft sobs as he holds her gently.

"Why? Why do you love me?" he whimpers.

She doesn't answer him, but instead kisses his lips, pulling him in for an embrace.

"I just do."

• • •

The rain is gone by the morning, the sun replacing it. Klaus turns to his side, smiling as Caroline lays beside him, her arm loosely draped over his side. The only thing covering their bare bodies is the thin white sheet.

He presses a kiss to her forehead, standing up and stretching. The wooden floor is cold beneath his feet as he slips into a pair of ripped black jeans and a Henley T-shirt. Klaus paces over to the front door, tossing on his black boots lazily before heading out.

Before he can step down the first step, he falls in pain, a sharp sting traveling throughout his head.

"What the hell?!" he calls out as multiple witches appear in front of him, their eyes closed in concentration.

"You shouldn't have killed those people in the nightclub last night, Klaus Mikaelson. Three of them were witches- my sisters. They're dead now because of you, and you're going to pay!" an older brunette calls out, seemingly the leader of the group.

Klaus yells in pain, "I will kill you!"

They ignore his threats, the pain only worsening.

"What are you doing to me?!" he screams, the pain unlike anything he's experienced before.

"Erasing your memories. You took away the people I cared about most, so now I'm returning the favor. You will forget about Caroline Forbes, and she will forget about you."

He panics, attempting to stand only to be pushed back down by their magic.

"Klaus?!" her voice calls and he curses himself for not warning her to leave sooner. Caroline could have gotten away without him. She could be safe now if she didn't come back for him.

"Don't touch her!" Klaus yells as a man forced his magic onto her, pushing her against the wall.

"Just in time," the older woman smirks, taking a seat as she begins to chant the spell aloud.

"Klaus," she whimpers, clutching her head in agony.

"Mercy, please," Klaus makes out, his mind dizzy. He'll do anything so long as it means she'll be safe.

"Mercy? For you?" the witch chuckles.


She eyes him as if debating the situation, "I'll give you a chance, only because Caroline once helped the witches when we were in need, so don't go thinking this is for you. You will have thirty days to prove you have a heart, Mikaelson. I will make you two forget each other in parts, as well as your friends and family members forgetting of your relationship, and if at the end of the month you two have not said you love each other and meant it, you'll forget of each other entirely."

Klaus breathes heavily, attempting to gain any form of strength- but it's useless.

He glances at Caroline and she looks at him, "I love you, Caroline. I will never forget you."

"I love you too, Klaus."

And then it all goes black.

• • •

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I'm not sure about an update schedule yet, seeing as I'm not really sure where this book is going, but once I have everything planned out you can expect more updates.


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