Chapter Twelve

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New book out: Best Friend's Brother // Klaroline High School AU

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19 Days Left

"I'm sorry for showing up so unexpectedly, I realize I should have told you I was coming but I was just worried about you, Caroline."

It takes her a second to process the fact that, yes, Klaus is standing in front of her at her doorstep as she stares at him in complete awe.

"It's not your job to worry about me, Klaus. I can take care of myself," Caroline retorts in a curt manner, finally getting a grip.

"Clearly," his eyes land on the numerous empty alcohol bottles laying around inside. Caroline fights the blush threatening to spread on her cheeks.

"You shouldn't be here," Caroline states, crossing her arms.

Klaus frowns, "I'm sorry."

She doesn't know what to say, how to act, what to do. He makes her crazy.

"You're Klaus, right?" Elena appears from behind Caroline, her words slurred.

He sighs as their space alone with each other is now occupied with Elena as well.


"You need to leave. Now," Elena snaps, gently pushing him out and closing the door behind her.

"Elena!" Caroline whispers.

"Care, you don't need him. He hurt you! You can't just go back to him that easily. You guys need time," she states.

Caroline frowns, knowing her best friend's words are true.

"Okay, just give us a second," Caroline tries to reason with her, which Elena allows with a roll of her eyes.

"If you're not back in one minute I'm coming out there again. And this time, I won't be nice to him," she warns with a playful smile.

Caroline nods, opening the door and closing it behind her to give them some more privacy. Klaus eyes her with an intense gaze that somehow makes her insides turn every time.

"I take it she doesn't like me."

"She's protective of her friends," Caroline corrects him.

"I am sorry, love. I never meant to hurt you. What happened tonight, I didn't want it to. I didn't invite her, Fiona. My brother did. Look, it's all a very long story," Klaus attempts at explaining himself, only making Caroline more annoyed.

"I'm sure it is. Why don't you go and explain it to Fiona?" she huffs out.


"No, Klaus. You were clearly into her at one point, I heard you two talking. I don't want to get in the middle of that."

"It's not like that. I don't have feelings for her anymore," he says.

"How do I know that? I mean, I've only known you for a few weeks. We were rushing into this anyways. Maybe this was meant to happen. Look, I think we just both need a break from each other for awhile, okay? Focus on ourselves. You can have the time to fix whatever happened with you and Fiona and I can have the time to work," Caroline says, but her heart still aches to hear that he won't go through with it, that Klaus won't let her push him away like she always does with people.

"That's what you want?" he asks, almost in a whimper which breaks her heart.

"Yes," Caroline lies.

"Okay then. I will give you space, if that's what you really want. If you truly believe that the moments we've shared meant nothing to me. That I don't think about you every day, longing to see you. That I don't care for you, and only you. If you don't believe that, then yes, I will leave. You just need to tell me."

Her breath hitches, "what?"

"Tell me you don't want to see me, and I will go. Simple."

But for her, it's not simple. She doesn't want him to go.

When she stays silent for awhile, Klaus takes her answer as a yes, and begins to head out, his head down. Caroline watches him, wanting so badly to stop him, kiss him, touch him, and most of all, tell him to stay. But she can't.

So she lets him walk away, tears streaming down her cheeks.

Elena opens the door, "I swear you guys it's been a whole two minutes and-"

She stops, looking at her friend.

"Hey, what's wrong?" her tone changes immediately, Bonnie walking out as well and pulling her into a hug.

"He left."

• • •

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