Chapter Four

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28 Days Left

Caroline wakes up in an unfamiliar bed, her eyes slowly peering open and adjusting to the bright light shining through the glass window.

She yawns, rubbing her eyes. She nearly shrieks when her eyes glance at Klaus, his sleeping figure positioned right next to her. We didn't... did we? Her mind races with every single possibility.

Klaus shoots awake, looking over to where Caroline is pacing the floor. He smiles because it is kind of adorable how worried she gets.

"We didn't, if you're wondering," his sudden voice makes Caroline jump.

"How do you know? You were as drunk as me."

"I carried you in here when you fell asleep on the couch. I was exhausted and I hoped you wouldn't mind me sleeping in the same bed. Nothing happened, love," he assures her.

The thought of Klaus carrying her to bed makes her heart race with emotion. She bites her lip, looking away from him.

"I have to go, I have work soon," Caroline states rather quickly, gathering her shoes which sit beside the bed and slipping them on.

She throws her hair into a ponytail while exiting the bedroom, not bothering to turn around to look at Klaus. Something tells her she just shouldn't be talking with him, but she doesn't know why.

Maybe it's just meant to be a one time thing: she goes to his party, they talk, she leaves and they never speak again. Just maybe.

"Caroline, hey, wait," Klaus catches her arm before she can slip away outside.

Numerous drunken people lay all around the floor and couches, alcohol displayed next to them.

Her eyes meet his, "hm?"

He finds himself getting lost in her beauty, "I had a good time last night and I hope you did too. I'd really love to see you again."

There goes her heart, beating even quicker than before. Her hands are clammy and she bites her lip, a nervous habit.

"Yeah, I did too. Thanks for inviting me," Caroline smiles, reaching up to give Klaus a friendly hug before waving goodbye, closing the door.

Klaus falls back onto the sofa next to where Marcel lays, completely wasted from last night. He sits, snoring softly, Rebekah's head in his lap. Klaus can't help but to smile at the sight. He is happy for them, even if he rarely shows it.

Before long he finds himself rather comfortable, his eyes gently closing before he drifts back to sleep, images of her in his mind.

• • •

Five days.

Five days of Caroline not answering his texts and calls.

Five days of Caroline blatantly ignoring Klaus, for whatever reason.

Klaus can swear they did hit it off that night, but maybe it was just an allusion. She did run out rather quickly and seemed nervous. Did I do something wrong? The question eats at him.

He sits up from the bar stool, taking one last swig of his whiskey before heading out. He slips on his coat, trying his last option.

If she doesn't want to text, I'll just ask her in person.

He makes his way down the street to the small cafe she works at, opening the door. His eyes scan the room, smiling when he spots her. She's taking an order at the moment, so he simply gets in line as well.

"Hi, what can I get for y-" Caroline begins to speak, only to get caught when her eyes land on Klaus's, her heart beating quicker and quicker because she knows why he's here.

"Hello, love."

She nearly drops the coffee she's holding by the way he says her name, his voice low and rather seductive.

Caroline clears her throat, "what can I get for you?"

Klaus only smirks wider, "I'll have a medium dark roast coffee, no cream or sugar."

She nods, punching it into the cash register. Klaus takes out a ten dollar bill and hands it to the girl before she even tells him his total. She frantically gives him back his change, her cheeks rather red which only amuses Klaus more.

"Here you go," she hands him his coffee and his hand purposely brushes her whilst taking it from her grip.

Klaus's eyes linger on hers before she comes back into reality, shaking her head.

"I have a lunch break in ten minutes, wait until then," Caroline whispers slightly before getting back to work.

Klaus smiles, taking a seat in the corner of the cafe. His eyes stay on her the whole ten minutes which of course she catches, only making her blush more.

"Caroline, lunch break," her boss smiles politely and Caroline nods, returning the grin.

She takes off her apron with the cafe logo printed on it, setting it aside before making her way towards Klaus. She takes a seat opposite him, pushing back a strand of hair which had fallen in her face.

Her beauty captivates him.

"You really showed up to my work, Klaus?" Caroline starts the conversation off.

Klaus raises an eyebrow, "and you've really been ignoring me?"

A red tint highlights her cheeks at that, and she slumps into her chair further, "I wasn't ignoring you."

"You read all of my texts about wanting to meet up again and yet you didn't reply. Now what would you call that?"

She rolls her eyes, "okay maybe I was, but I just needed some time."

"It's been nearly a week. You could have at least said you weren't interested in me the same way I am in you," Klaus's tone is more serious. Hurt, maybe.

"Of course I'm interested in you, Klaus," Caroline scoffs as if he's an idiot.

His eyes meet hers in interest.

"I just... look, weird things have been happening and I just needed some time to figure them out. I didn't want any distractions and you... well, you're a distraction to me."

"A distraction?"

"Yep," she replies.

"Oh really?" he sips his coffee once more, not daring to look away from her.

She breaks eye contact, grinning slightly, "yes."

"Well, what would you say if I asked you out on a date tomorrow? Just to get drinks, maybe dinner. It'll be casual, no distractions involved," Klaus smirks, dimples showing, and somehow it melts Caroline's heart just enough for her to say this.

"I'd love that."

• • •

I'm going to start updating every weekend! So there's a set update schedule and I'll try to stick to it.

Vote and comment your thoughts! :)


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