Chapter Twenty (Final)

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The Final Day

"Stop trembling, will you? It's making me nervous," Rebekah jokes lightly, half serious as well. Caroline's eyes make their way towards her shaking hand, trying everything to still it.

"Sorry, I'm just worried about him is all."

Elijah turns towards the girl, sighing. He can see the way she cares for him deeply. It's real and it's a raw form of love- pure, he would call it. It's something he hasn't seen in centuries.

"He will be fine, Caroline," Elijah assures her, sending her a small smile. She smiles back to be polite, nodding.

"Unless the witches decide to eat him for dinner. I mean, what's taking him so long? He said he'd give us the cue to go in five minutes ago!" Kol whispers in a hushed annoyance, his tone completely opposite his brothers.

"Will you all quiet down? I need to focus," Freya speaks from behind them, attempting to channel in as much power as she possibly can to help her siblings. She would never admit it, but she would do anything for her family.

Kol rolls his eyes, returning his gaze to the two front doors Klaus entered merely ten minutes before. His heart even started to race a tiny bit,

After another minute of silently waiting, Caroline was about to speak up. That's when they heard the buzz from her phone.

All set.

She finds herself letting out a shaky breath that she didn't know she was holding in the first place.

"Finally," Kol groans, getting up from his spot on the pavement. "Okay, I'll go distract Ethel, the witches' leader. You all go head in. I'll text if anything doesn't go as planned."

Before they can respond, Kol has already flashed before their eyes.

"Okay. Stick to the plan. Rebekah and I take down the stronger ones. Freya, you weaken their magic. Caroline, help Klaus and make sure he's okay and take down the weaker ones," Elijah orders, taking charge of the four.

"Got it, let's go."

Freya waits outside, nodding to them before they head off, "good luck."

The three of them head inside, sneaking past the dead bodies who were once guarding the doors. The large abandoned looking building was known as the witches "sanctuary". It was their most prized building, somewhere all the witches laid low if they were ever in need of a hideout.

"Didn't Klaus say he'd be by the front?" Caroline whispers in a hushed voice.

Elijah furrows his brows, "come on. Let's keep looking. Knowing him he probably ventured on without us."

Caroline's heart speeds up. She can't help being nervous for him. While she trusts him and know he's very capable of fending for himself, being an original after all, there's many more witches than him.

The group walks upstairs silently, letting Elijah lead the way. He stops, putting his arm out to silence the two girls. Waiting for a moment, Elijah listens closely to the two floors above them, hearing his brother's grunts and pained nosies.

"Go!" Elijah yells, quickly speeding to the top floor where he busts open a locked door.

Klaus is standing in the middle of an enormous group of witches, tearing and breaking each and every one of them. Their magic is strong, but Klaus is stronger.

"Finally. I almost thought you weren't going to show," Klaus sends a small wink to his siblings and Caroline, smiling as his eyes meet hers for a brief moment.

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