Chapter Six

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Caroline yawns, practically exhausted from last night.

"Hey, you okay?" Bonnie asks softly so their boss won't hear, her voice bringing Caroline out of her trance.


"I asked if  you were okay, but judging by the fact you won't stop yawning and couldn't even hear me I'd take it as a no. What's up?"

Caroline sighs, rubbing at her eyes, "sorry. I'm just tired, I barely got any sleep."

"Oh, really? Why's that?" Bonnie asks, curious.

"I went on a date," Caroline responds with a small shrug as if it were nothing.

"What? With who?" Bonnie practically squeals.

Caroline pauses their conversation to take the young woman's order, "hi, what can I get for you?"

"Could I have a large french vanilla iced coffee, please?" she asks politely, to which Caroline nods, punching it in the cash register.


The woman hands her the cash and Caroline stashes it away, watching as Bonnie begins to make the drink.

"So?" Bonnie asks, impatiently waiting for Caroline's answer.

She smiles slightly, "remember that really cute guy who bumped into me a few days ago?"

"Oh my god!" Bonnie covers her mouth, giggling.

"Shh. Well, I went to his party and he asked me out on another date. So, I agreed obviously," she grins.

"So where'd he take you?"

"This really fancy restaurant. I forget the name, but it was extremely expensive. Like, $50 for one meal expensive. I offered to pay too, but of course he refused," she explains the details further.

Bonnie can't help the large grin growing on her face as her best friend talks about her date. All she wants is for Caroline to be happy, and seeing her smiling about a man again is refreshing.

"He sounds charming," Bonnie adds.

"He is. He's sweet. Old fashioned, too. He's the type of guy who opens the door for you, pulls out your seat for you to sit down, pays for you even if you insist-"

"You like him, don't you?"

Caroline finds herself blushing from the question, "maybe. I don't know him well enough, though."

"You're such a bad liar. You totally have a crush on him!" Bonnie squeals, and Caroline once again shushes her.

She takes the coffee in her hand, giving it to the woman who smiles thankfully.

"Thank you!"

"Have a nice day," Caroline adds before the woman leaves.

"You should call him," Bonnie instructs.


"Call him after work. Ask him if he wants to get drinks or something. Ooh! Invite him over to your place! It'll be fun, romantic even. It'll show him you're interested."

Caroline practically rolls her eyes at the idea.

"Or it'll show him I want him in my bed. I'm not ready for that, we've only just met."

"How on earth would it give him that idea?"

"Wine, romantic conversation, my apartment? All of those signs point to the fact someone wants to have sex- and that is not me!" Caroline argues.

Bonnie simply rolls her eyes, "you're overthinking this."

A part of her knows she's right. She is overthinking the situation, or maybe she's just scared to let him in. To show him her true self, to get to know him more.

"Bonnie, Caroline, you're all set. Just lock up, okay?" their boss calls, waving goodbye before exiting.

Caroline gathers her stuff, locking up after Bonnie leaves. The two walk towards their cars together.

"Night, see you tomorrow," Bonnie waves goodbye as she gets in her car. Caroline returns the gesture, doing the same.

Her mind races the whole drive home, and she finds herself thinking more and more about their date. A smile and blush appear on her face as she pulls into the parking lot of her apartment.

Outside is fairly cold, causing her to shiver as she scurries up the steps to her floor, putting in her key and entering her apartment. She lets herself fall onto the couch, pushing her boots off with a small sigh as she relaxes the day's work away.

She flicks on the television, although soon realizes her attention is elsewhere- Klaus.

Bonnie's words play back in her head, "Call him after work. Ask him if he wants to get drinks or something."

Caroline picks up her phone, ringing Klaus. Her mind is foggy as she does so. She doesn't remember why she does it, but she just does.

"Hello, love."

"Hey, sorry if I woke you up I know it's a little later but-"

"Caroline, it's only nine thirty. My night was just getting started. Don't worry," he responds all too calmly.

"Oh, okay. Good," she answers, avoiding the question.

"So, what is the special occasion that made you call me?" his voice is charming, and she can practically see the smirk growing on his face.

Her face flushes, "well, I was wondering if you wanted to come over. It's fine if you have other plans or something, I know it was last minute. I just thought we could maybe watch a movie or hang out- you know what? Forget it. It was a stupid question. I'll just let you get back to whatever you were doing-"


She pauses, his voice instantly calming her worries.


"I'll be over in twenty, love."

Caroline smiles at this, running a hand through her hair.

"Okay, see you then."

• • •

Hello loves! How are all your weekends going? :)

I go back to school in about two weeks and I'm not excited. Updates may be a little slower at first because of the work and getting used to a new schedule. When do you all go back?

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