Chapter Eighteen

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"I wouldn't fret too much, Caroline. My brother always does stuff like this. Nick loves picking fights," Rebekah shakes her head with a fond smile, her teeth currently sinking into a young blonde's neck.

"I know it's just... I'm worried. Wouldn't he have come back by now?" Caroline taps her hands nervously on the marble counter.

"Here, have a drink. You need one," Rebekah hands the blonde girl over towards her, who graciously accepts. She digs her fangs into her neck, devouring the addictive red substance like it's nothing.

"Better?" Rebekah asks.

"Better," Caroline answers.

"Hey, don't worry about him, okay? I know Nick. He can take care of himself. Whatever kind of trouble you think he's in, I assure you he'll be fine," Rebekah attempts to calm her.

"I just worry about him."

"I know."

"I think I need to get out of here. I need to find him," Caroline shakes her head, grabbing her coat only to be stopped.

"Just wait, okay? If he's not back by morning, I'll go with you and look for him," Rebekah assured her.

Caroline sighs, eventually giving in and agreeing with Rebekah.

"Okay. Let me know if he gets home. I'm gonna get some rest," she informs Rebekah, waving a small goodbye before heading upstairs into Klaus's room.

The familiar scent of him floods her senses, making her frown. She already misses him, and she can't help this feeling of worry wash over herself as she climbs into empty bed where he once lay beside her.

"Please be okay," she whispers to herself, sighing before she closes her eyes.

• • •

Caroline stares at the corpse laying on the cold sidewalk, blood splattered around him.

"Klaus?" she calls out, shaking him.

No response.

"Klaus!" she yells, more aggressive this time, shaking his body with all her might.


She sobs, screaming his name now. Her words end up becoming choked, her mind fuzzy as she clings onto Klaus's lifeless body.

"I could have helped you. Why didn't I just help you?" she cries into his shirt.

• • •

Caroline wakes up, her heart pounding with fear. Her mind races and it feels like it's never going to stop. Her eyes gaze at the empty spot beside her, sighing.

With shaky hands, she reaches for her phone, calling Klaus. Her heart sinks when it reaches the last ring, her mind going to the worst thought possible.

"Caroline?" he asks.

She nearly cries in joy, "Klaus? Are you okay? Y-you never told me where you were going and I got worried-"

"I'll be home in about ten seconds, okay? I'll see you soon, love. Calm down. I'm okay."

He hangs up, leaving her heart now filled as she practically races down the stairs. She swings open the door, running to him who catches her in his arms. Their lips automatically meet and the feeling overwhelms them both.

"I-I was so scared something happened to you..." she says, holding back tears. She kisses his lips one last time as he takes her shaking hands in his, placing a kiss on each of them.

"I'm sorry I never told you. I couldn't risk you getting hurt as well. I had to do this by myself. I had to find answers," he explains, kissing her forehead as she rests her head on his chest.

"I had a nightmare. You had died, Klaus. It made me realize- I never want that to be a possibility. You have to let me know you're okay. You can't just bail out on me. Not anymore. Okay? Please. I was so scared-"

"I know, love. I know. Come on. Let's get some sleep. I'll explain in the morning what happened," he leads her inside and upstairs into their now shared bed.

"You said something happened?" Caroline asks, her breathing now more stable as she climbs into the covers.

"Quite a bit, actually."

"What does that mean?" she pushes the situation further, eyeing him.

He looks her dead in the eyes, his hand resting on hers, "I got answers."

"What kind of answers?" she interrogates.

"It doesn't matter, love. I'll explain-"

"Klaus," she narrows her eyes at him, "no more secrets. I need to know. You promised."

He sighs, running a hand through his curly hair before looking back at her.

"I figure out who set this curse on us."

• • •

I am so sorry for the lack of updates on this book. I've been trying to finish my other book as well and have been super busy! I promise I will try to make it up to you!

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