Chapter Seven

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Sorry for not updating in awhile! School starts next week and I've been working on some summer work that I needed to catch up on. I've also been working on a new book that I'll be publishing soon so stay tuned! :)

22 Days Left

When Klaus arrives, his heart is practically racing with anticipation to see Caroline again. His hand makes its way up to the door, knocking loud enough for Caroline to hear.

"Hi," she answers the door, a faint blush painting her face beautifully under the dim lighting.

Klaus really will never get over her beauty.

"You look beautiful," the words slip from his mouth effortlessly, causing her to smile up at him. She tucks a piece of hair behind her ear, moving out of the way to allow him inside.

"Thank you," she answers, surprising both her and Klaus by the quiet, soft tone of her voice.

"Your apartment is very... you," Klaus eyes the place with a small smirk.

"Is that a good thing?" Caroline asks, following behind him, unusually nervous to have the place she lives on full display to Klaus.

Klaus replies with a wink, "of course."

She moves into the kitchen, letting Klaus explore the apartment a little bit more, while pouring some wine for the two of them.

She has to continually remind herself to stop shaking from her nerves. Something about Klaus just makes her get butterflies in her stomach as if she's in high school again.

"Here," she hands him the glass to which he graciously takes a sip out of.

"Mhm, thank you."

The two take a seat on the couch, making the setting a bit more casual and relaxed.

Klaus is the first to speak, "I am glad you invited me over here, Caroline."

She looks up at him, smiling playfully, "oh yeah?'

"Of course."

She turns on the television, flicking through the channels before landing on a new horror film that had come out just a month previous.

"I heard this was good, did you see it?" she questions, her attention now on the film.

He shakes his head, his interest more on her than on the movie, "not yet."

"Wanna watch it?"

He hesitates before answering, checking the time, "yeah. How long is it?"

"Oh my God, I completely forgot how late it is. You don't have to stay, you know. I just figured-"

"Love, it's okay. I don't have to be up early. I don't work tomorrow," he calms her down, noticing the way her breath slows when he speaks and how her heart stops beating as quickly.

"Okay," she nods, as if assuring herself.

She finds a nearby blanket, first wrapping it around her body, and then offering some to Klaus. He isn't cold in the slightest, but takes the blanket as an excuse to potentially get closer with her.

Halfway into the movie, Klaus can't help but let his attention slip. Caroline has her face in her hands, shielding her eyes in an adorable way from the horror movie. His breath hitches, his mind racing wildly. The way the television's light illuminates her face is absolutely stunning.

Her eyes never once leave the screen, instinctually cuddling up near Klaus when a jump-scare happens. She can't help but to take the moment in, feeling his warm chest pressed against her arm.

She leans in further, as if testing if it's okay to be this close to him. He accepts her into his arms, slinging one around her shoulders and practically pulling her closer if possible.

They both don't want this to end.

The movie does in fact eventually end, leaving them to separate.

"Well that was terrifying," Caroline states with a small laugh.

Klaus chuckles, scared as well. However he has to admit his attention wasn't fully on the film, but yet on Caroline the whole time, so he couldn't enjoy it as much as she did.

"What time is it?" Klaus asks, and she reaches for her phone.

"Almost eleven. Sorry for keeping you so late," she says, face flushed as she stands. Klaus follows her, taking this as his cue to leave.

"It's fine, Caroline. I had fun," he smiles gently, looking down at her as they head towards the door. He slips into his shoes and coat once again, hand on the door knob, as if waiting for something before he leaves.

"I did too," she replies softly, lips pursed.

His eyes meet hers, longing for the precious blue eyes that stare back at him. She doesn't know what's gotten into her before she's leaning up to kiss him, running a hand through his curls. He instinctually cups her face with his large hands before letting go for a quick breath.

Caroline grins, breathless, "goodnight, Klaus."

He smiles before exiting, "goodnight, Caroline."

• • •

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