Chapter Nine

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Caroline's heartbeat quickens as she arrives at the Mikaelson's home. It's the first time she's been to their actual house and not just Klaus's apartment, and by the looks of the place, it's clearly expensive.

The mansion is a beautiful white with double doors greeting you at the front steps. Two perfectly placed plants sit beside the door, as well as a bench. Caroline wonders if she should ring the doorbell or simply walk inside on her own. She's never been to one of these types of things before.

Her thought vanishes when a young couple dressed in a formal ball gown and a tux open the door and walk inside. She follows behind them, lifting her red dress from the floor so it doesn't drag.

When she enters, she's greeted by a grand double staircase with red carpeting and a hallway leading to the ball room, where everyone currently is. Caroline follows behind the young couple, trying not to seem lost because this really isn't her type of party, but she's here for Klaus. He wants her there, so she is.

"Caroline," a familiar voice echoes from beside her when she reaches the ball room. She turns to her side to be faced with a well dressed Klaus, his black tux complimenting his figure quite nicely.

"Hi," she greets him, her cheeks slightly flushed.

He leans down to give her a small kiss on the cheek, still unsure about about how to greet her since they aren't exclusive, but they're still much more than just friends.

"You look absolutely stunning, if it's not obvious enough already," he whispers, sending chills down her spine.

She smiles sweetly, "thank you. Although, you don't look half bad either."

He smiles at this, taking her arm in his, "may I offer you a glass of champagne?"

Caroline looks over to him, nodding, "Please."

Klaus takes this as his cue to head off, grabbing her a glass off a nearby tray. Caroline stays waiting patiently, blushing when noticing the many pairs of eyes on her, none of them to which she knows.

"They're just jealous," a voice pipes up from beside her.

"Rebekah, hi," Caroline smiles sweetly at the blonde dressed in a gorgeous black ball gown, complementing her features.

"They're not used to seeing my brother with a gorgeous girl, especially one they don't know of. They feel threatened by you," she states blatantly. Caroline arches an eyebrow, unsure if that's a good or a bad thing.

"Hm?" she asks.

"Klaus usually doesn't bring dates to these types of things. You're kinda the first, which makes you a big deal to everyone. Just don't be surprised if random people come up to you, okay?" Rebekah laughs, gently nudging her.

"Rebekah, are you bothering my date?" Klaus's voice booms from behind her, to which she simply rolls her eyes at. The smile on his lips lets Caroline know it's all in good fun.

"Actually, I was just going over to Marcel. The dance is going to start soon," she smirks, waving goodbye to the two of them before heading off to her partner.

"I'm sorry about her," he hands Caroline a glass of champagne.

"Rebekah? No, she's cool. Really," Caroline assured him with a gentle smile.

"So what were you two talking about?" he chimes in, sipping his drink quite smoothly if she adds.


His eyes meet hers, his interest suddenly very peaked.

"Oh really?"


"What about me, hm?" his tone is low, seductive even.

"How you don't normally bring dates to these types of things. How I'm the first, which makes me a big deal," Caroline jokes and Klaus grins.

"A big deal, huh?" he asks playfully, causing her to giggle before finishing off the glass of champagne.

Caroline is about to say something before a microphone clicks on, stopping their conversation. The room goes silent, and Caroline can make out Klaus's siblings standing on a large staircase at the middle of the ballroom.

"Looks like that's my cue. I'll be back in a minute, love," Klaus whispers to her before disappearing. She watches as he walks to the staircase, joining them.

"Welcome, everyone, to the annual Mikaelson ball. We're all very glad you could make it," Rebekah starts off, handing the microphone to Klaus who smiles.

"My family and I would like to start off the evening with a dance, so find yourself a dance partner and make it out onto the floor," Klaus's eyes meet Caroline, a small smirk playing at his lips.

She blushes, waiting for him to make his way back to her.

"A dance, huh?" she asks, crossing her arms with a playful gaze.

He smiles, "will you be my dance partner?"

"I'd love to."

• • •

Sorry for not updating in awhile (once again whoops)! But, school has been super hard and I just have so much homework.

Anyways, hope you guys are all enjoying your weekends.

Vote and comment :)


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