Chapter Eight

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The smile doesn't leave her face all morning, and Bonnie certainly notices this fact.

"You and Klaus hung out, didn't you?" she asks, jabbing Caroline's ribs with each word. Caroline rolls her eyes, swatting at her hand.

"No, we didn't."

Bonnie's grin only grows wider at the obvious lie, "you took my advice."

"Did not," Caroline fixes up a cup of coffee, handing it to the young man in desperate need of some more sleep, the eye bags apparent under his chocolate brown eyes.

"Thank you," he says before exiting the shop.

"Someone has a crush," Bonnie giggles when Caroline's face turns beat red at the word. It's weird, how such a high school type word can make her insides turn in such a way.

"No, I don't."

Bonnie only smiles wider, "mhm, okay."



"It's nothing, really!" Caroline argues defensively.

She laughs, "Care, you like him. He likes you. I mean come on you two have kissed before! If that doesn't say something, I don't know what does."

Caroline opens her mouth to say something only to close it again, sighing. She knows it's true, she just doesn't want to admit it. She doesn't know if she's ready for a full fledged relationship with Klaus. It's a scary thought, knowing she can fall for him so easily.

"Okay, maybe I like him. But still, I don't think I'm ready for a relationship. I mean, I work full time, I have my own place, my own friends. I don't even have time for a relationship!" she states.

Bonnie rolls her eyes, "you're just making up excuses, Care. You have plenty of time. Don't you want to feel what it's like to be in love again?"

Caroline furrows her brows at this, shrugging, "I don't know."

She does though. She knows she wants to feel in love, to know what it's like to care so much for one person only. To love someone so much it hurts to think about losing them. She wants romantics dates and deep conversations, she craves it.

It's just scary to think her heart can be broken again.


Caroline jumps out of thought, turning to Bonnie who's looking at an impatient customer waiting to have his order taken.

"Oh, sorry. What can I get for you?" she asks, the thought of Klaus scattering her mind.

• • •

When Caroline reaches her apartment door, a small yawn escapes her lips. She's practically exhausted from work, and the sight of Klaus standing there with a small smile nearly makes her shriek.

"Klaus, what are you doing here?" she eyes him, stunned. Her heart beats faster by the second, the smirk playing on his lips only making her more nervous.

"I came to ask you something. I thought it would be better in person," he leans on the wall.

She puts her keys into her door, inviting him inside. He watches as she slips off her shoes and jacket, blushing when catching his gaze.

"So, what was it you wanted to ask me?"

"My family is throwing an annual ball in two days, it's going to be huge. I was wondering if you wanted to join me," he asks, nervous as ever. He knows she likes him, but there is still the small voice in the back of his head repeating that she's going to reject him. That nobody will ever love him.

"As your date?" she teases him.

He grins, "only if you want to be."

"Of course I do."

Their eyes meet for a second before she looks down, tucking a piece of hair behind her ear. His mind races, watching as she smiles that classic Caroline smile.

"I do wish I could stay, but I'm afraid I have to help my sister Rebekah with something. I'll see you in two days then, yes?"

"I'll be there," she smiles up at him.

"Good. I'll text you the details tomorrow. Goodnight, Caroline," he begins to lean in slowly, as if asking for permission to kiss her. She closes her eyes, granting him it while pressing her lips against his. It always feels so natural to kiss him, like she's done it before.

When he pulls away, she replies, "goodnight, Klaus."

He exits, and the minute he does, her head pounds with an aching pain, just as it did days ago when she first met him. It hasn't happened in so long, she almost forgot about it.

"God, what the hell?" she clutches her head, falling on the couch as another foggy memory floods her mind:

"I'm in love with you, Caroline Forbes. Don't you get that?"

She feels his lips against hers, but she can't help the tears as they fall.

"Leave, Klaus. Just go."

"I know you don't mean that, my love," his drunken words ring in her ears as he kisses down her neck. She cries as he does so, not wanting him to leave. She loves him so much it hurts, but she can't. Not now. Not after he's hurt her like this.

"You can't just do this to me, Klaus! You can't come home completely wasted at four in the morning for the fourth time this week, ignoring my calls and leaving me completely worried and a total wreck. It's not fair to me, you ass! Kissing me is not going to make it better, okay?! I'm done. I can't keep doing-"

"Shh, love. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry," he's crying now too, kissing her lips and cheeks and nose, and she lets him. She can't resist him. He's her weakness.

"I love you," he whispers in her ear, sending shivers down her spine.

"I love you too, you know that," she gives in, and he gently lifts her up, her legs instinctually straddling his waist as he lays her on the bed.

"I will make it up to you."

Caroline gasps, sitting up on the couch.

"Oh my God," she whimpers, covering her mouth as the resonating pain slowly fades away. She's gotten flashes of memories before, but this time- this was different. This was longer, more elaborate.

"What's happening?" she asks herself, shaking her head.

She just needs some rest after everything. So she crawls into bed after changing into pajamas and taking off her makeup, letting her mind finally rest, replaying the memory over and over again.

• • •

Sorry for taking awhile to update! School has been hectic, and I've had so much homework. :/

Hope you all enjoyed the chapter! :)

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