Chapter 2

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The next morning Anakin woke up to find his quarters empty. It was already 1pm so he figured his padawan was off somewhere with her friends, like usual when they had time off. Typically, Anakin prefers that Ahsoka talk to him before she runs off somewhere but recently he hadn't cared to check up on her. Ahsoka had to spend a lot of time in the halls of healing while she was recovering so he felt she deserved to have some space and freedom.

Anakin then went into the fresher and jumped into the shower. Anakin always appreciated being away from battle and having luxuries such as a warm shower. Ahsoka always complained that he hogged the shower too often, which is not untrue. Anakin liked the privacy it gave him, he liked that it was just him and his thoughts.

As the warm water fell down his body, slowly waking him up, Anakin drifted into thoughts of his padawan. Ever since Ahsoka was brought back to the temple she has been very absent. This didn't surprise Anakin but it can be unsettling. It's like walking around eggshells with her and he doesn't know how much more he can take. However, this isn't the usual funk she gets in. She was tortured, and humiliated. She was raped. Anakin clenched his fist as he thought of it. His blood boiled at the thought of him. All he can think about is what Rav did and how much he wants to kill him for hurting his padawan. Anakin has very strong feelings towards this and it's partly why he hasn't talked to Ahsoka. He doesn't know how. He doesn't know what he is supposed to say, what he needs to say. So he hasn't, and doesn't think he ever will. Hopefully she can figure this out on her own, hopefully she will be back to normal in no time, he thought.

Suddenly Anakin heard a knock at his door, who could that be? He turned off the shower and reached for his towel.

"I'll be right there," Anakin yelled out while scrambling to get dressed.

Once dressed Anakin walked out of the fresher and over to the door, he opened it to see Jedi Master Plo Koon, waiting patiently.

"Hello Master Plo, what can I do for you?" Anakin asked, slight confusion coming through in his voice.

"Is Little 'Soka here?" Plo asked quietly.

"No actually, but you could com her if you need to speak with her," Anakin offered although Plo certainly could do that on his own.

"Oh no that's not necessary, I actually came to speak with you Skywalker." The Kel Dor explained.

"Oh." Anakin said in surprise. "Please come in then." He replied as he stood aside to welcome the Jedi Master in. Plo Koon stepped in and took a seat on the couch. Anakin took a seat on the armchair, just across from Plo.

"May I ask what this is about Master?" Plo rarely wanted to speak with Anakin, so this was making him worry.

"This is regarding little 'soka actually, I'm not sure if you are aware of this but last night I stumbled upon Ahsoka wandering the halls." Plo said in a serious and yet worried tone. Anakin relaxed a bit at hearing this. Plo is just here to bust Ahsoka for being up late, Anakin thought.

"I wasn't aware of that actually. But I'm sure she just needed to take a walk to help her sleep. She often does so." Anakin responded calmly. This wasn't the first time a council master had come to Anakin to tell him Ahsoka was up late, or something of the sorts, and it wouldn't be the last. Anakin found that sometimes jedi are more concerned with how strict he is with Ahsoka than the Clones wars.

"That's what she told me. However I'm concerned Ahsoka isn't healing properly." Plo persisted.

"You think needs to go back to the halls of healing?" Anakin questioned, he wasn't sure where Plo was going with this.

"No, not at all. What I mean, Skywalker is that she isn't dealing with her grievances correctly. What she was put through isn't just any regular wound." Plo said.

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