Chapter 5

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Day 1

Ahsoka knew that she had to train hard if she was going to get over these nightmares. Unfortunately, that would also mean that she needed sleep. So the young togurta knew her only choice was to keep trying the pills. Perhaps if I just take a couple more, the effect will be stronger. I'm sure 1 or 2 more won't hurt me. Ahsoka thought to herself. At this point she was willing to try anything.
When she got back to her room she rumaged through her dresser, looking desperately for this tiny bottle.
"Crap" she said aloud as she realized she must be out. Ahsoka rubbed her forehead in frustration. She had already gone down to the halls of healing twice this week. Typically she wasn't aloud to get more drugs without her master's consent but she had a friend who was a healer who was helping her out. However she knew her luck was bound to run out soon and then she could be in big trouble.
"As long as Anakin doesn't find out." Ahsoka sighed.

She knew if her master were to find out what she had really been doing these last two months he would grill her until she tells him everything, and Ahsoka didn't quite like the idea of explaining her nightmares to him. She felt so ashamed of herself and never wanted to see the look of disappointment on Anakin' s face if he were to learn of how weak she really was.
So Ahsoka knew she had to get those pills somehow, without alarming her master. She decided she would test her luck one last time. So she left her room and headed down to the halls of healing.

Meanwhile, Captain Rex of the 501st was walking through the Jedi temple. It was about 1900 hours, so the soldier was hoping he could find his general before it got too late. Rex managed to find him quicker than he thought he would as he almost ran straight into the Jedi knight while turning a corner.

"Woah, sorry Rex." The general exclaimed once he recognized the clone.
"Not a problem sir" Rex replied. "I was actually coming to see you sir."
Anakin was walking with Obi-wan and both Jedi looked suprised to hear this.
"What can I do for you." Anakin asked.
"I'd like to talk to you about Ahsoka." The clone admitted, his voice getting quiet as he finished. Rex was very aware of the General's attachment to his padawan and had seen first hand how protective he can be of her.
"What about Ahsoka?" This time it was Obi-wan to ask. After hearing the Captain was coming to them about the girl, Obi-wan was interested to hear what he had to say.
"Sir, some of my troops have made me aware that Ahsoka isn't doing too well. I can't say I've seen it first hand but Kix was concerned that she wasn't taking care of herself. We-" Rex paused, trying to think of how to continue "- I am worried about her." He finally let out.

Anakin and Obi-wan were stunned. Anakin felt a rush of fear and concern fload over him as he realized just how bad a master he really was. Even his soldiers noticed a change in her before he did. Anakin felt so ashamed at how he had neglected her and prayed to the force that somehow she could forgive him.

This new information sent Obi-wan into a fit of thoughts. Obi-wan was trying to piece together everything he knew about the sutuation. He remembered the fear and anger he felt from Ahsoka, how Anakin had come to him worried about how she was handling her experience, and now Rex telling them he thought she wasn't taking care of herself. Obi-wan tried desperately to come up with an explaination. But nothing came. He knew Ahsoka, and he knew that she was a smart girl who knew to look after herself. However she was also stubborn as hell (just like her master) and sometimes that stubbornness could win over her better judgement.

"Coincedentally, we were just heading over to see Ahsoka now. We too have seen a change in her and worry for her. I think it would be a great help if you were to come help us Captain." Obi-wan offered. He hoped with the right people there, they could get Ahsoka to open up to them and tell them what was going on.

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