Chapter 14

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Ahsoka was floating. That was really the only thing her mind could wrap itself around. She felt light and relaxed. All the pain and worry and anxiety that had been building up the past few months had just, slipped away. Forgotten. She didn't know where she was, she couldn't really see or hear anything. There was just darkness. An emptiness. A void.  Any other day that might have concerned her. But the overwhelming rush of calm and the gentle feeling made her content. It didn't matter where she was, she was at peace. 

"Ahsoka," a voice called out. 

Her head whipped around, searching for the source of the voice. There was a light, splitting apart the endless darkness. The light started to expand, becoming a hole within the black. Ahsoka scrunched her nose. The hole had expanded enough for Ahsoka to see a scene inside. There was a vast field, sitting beside a forest. The sun was almost blinding compared to the black around her. The trees towered over the valley where tall blades of grass shot up from the ground. It was a peaceful scene. Ahsoka couldn't quite place where this could be. It felt familiar but her mind couldn't figure out what planet this was.

Her attention was caught by the sound of footsteps and her name being yelled once again. Quickly after, Ahsoka watched as a Togurtan woman walked towards her, eyes scanning the open field. For what, Ahsoka didn't know. Just as she was about to call out to the woman, a rustling of grass caught their attention. The woman turned towards the shaking grass, chuckling lightly, before speaking.

"Ahsoka, darling. Quit playing around I've been calling you for ages." Her voice was soft, comforting.

Before Ahsoka could question who this woman was, a pair on montrals poked out of the grass. A head followed quickly after. 

"Mama," the child whined, "I'm trying to hunt."

The woman laughed once more, walking over to the girl and taking her hand. Side by side, it was easy to tell the little girl was young, couldn't be any older than three. 

"I know baby, but its time to come in and eat," the woman, her mother Ahsoka presumed, explained. 

The little girl pouted but held tight to her mother's hand as they started walking away from Ahsoka. As they turned, Ahsoka caught a look at the little girl's face. The size of her montrals and lekku supported Ahsoka's theory that she was young, as did her small facial markings. What shocked Ahsoka the most, however, was the fact that she recognized the little girl. That was her. Which meant the woman must be Ahsoka's mother. Somehow, Ahsoka was watching something from her past, a memory. Ahsoka watched, dumbfounded as she saw herself and a mother she didn't remember walking away. The image started to shrink away, back into the darkness. Ahsoka watched helplessly as the image faded away. She managed to hear a bit of their conversation before the image vanished completely. 

"When I grow up I'm gonna kill an Akul all by myself Mama,"

"I know you will baby," 

Ahsoka stood there for a minute, unsure of what had quite happened. Before she could dwell on it more her eye caught sight of another light, to the left of her. She recognized it as the same light that opened up into that memory. Ahsoka walked over and looked into the image. 

The woman was there again. Her mother. A man stood beside her. He was a red-skinned Togurta, whereas her mother was a pale yellow. Ahsoka could tell instantly that this must be her father. He was tall and muscular, towering over the petite form of her mother. There was a kindness to him though. Although his height and general build should have made him look intimidating, his face was soft and inviting. Upon further investigation, Ahsoka could see she got her small form from her mother but her facial markings and skin colour from her father.

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