Chapter 6

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When Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker reaches his shared quarters in the Jedi temple alongside Master Obi-wan Kenobi and Captain Rex, he is surprised to find the apartment empty.
"Where could she be, it's getting late," Anakin exclaimed after waiting for his padawan to no avail.
" This is unusual behaviour coming from Ahsoka," Obi-wan added.
"I'll try her comlink again" Rex suggested. The captain pulled out his comlink and once again went onto the padawan's channel.
"Still nothing." He responded dishearteningly.
Anakin sighed as he began to rise from his comfortable position on his couch.
" Alright, I can't wait around any more. Rex, you come with me and we'll look around the temple. Obi-wan you stay here in case she comes back." Both the Jedi Master and Clone Captain nodded in confirmation. Anakin grabbed his cloak from the hanger and put it on as he walked out the door, Rex following closely behind.

Ahsoka looked down at her wrist as her comlink once again sounded off in alarm of an incoming call. And just like the last 4 times, Ahsoka ignored the call.
She was wandering the halls and didn't want to talk to anyone.
Ahsoka looked down at the bottle of pills she had just 'stolen' from the Halls of Healing.
It had been around an hour since she had left with the pills but for some reason, she couldn't bring herself to return to her quarters.
Maybe she wasn't ready to try sleeping again. Maybe she was subconsciously waiting until she knew her master would be gone, hoping to avoid a confrontation. Ahsoka decided it was probably a combination of the two.

It was getting late and the usual noises of daily activity were slowing to silence. As Ahsoka walked down the halls she focused on the steady noise of her footfalls. Listening to her footsteps usually helped keep her mind from racing but tonight it was no use. Her head was spiralling everywhere and she couldn't help but hear his chilling voice.
"You're not alone Ahsoka, even when you think you are. I'll always be here."
Ahsoka trembled at his words.
She spun around, expecting to find someone behind her, but there was no one.
Ahsoka took a deep breath and continued walking. She turned a corner and thought she felt a presence close behind her.
Ahsoka stopped and hide behind the wall. Listening as a second set of footsteps slowly began approaching.
Ahsoka told herself she was just hearing things and willed herself to keep moving. But her body had frozen at the thought of someone following her. She couldn't bring herself to move, slowly giving in to the fear as the footsteps got louder and louder.
Suddenly they were right on top of her and Ahsoka could barely breathe.
Thump, Thump, Thump.
Ahsoka could feel her heart pumping along with the footsteps. Closer and closer they got and Ahsoka couldn't move no matter how much she wanted to. They were right around the corner now, she prepared herself for an attack as all her battle instincts were kicking in on command.
Right on time, Ahsoka kept out from her hiding place and went in for the hit. However, her assailant was prepared, unnatural reflexes in motion, and whipped their hands out, catching hers in their grasp.
Ahsoka went into panic mode, shaking violently to get out of her attacker's grasp. She was so focused on freeing herself that she couldn't even hear their voices calling out to her.

"Woah, Ahsoka, calm down it's me Anakin. It's okay, you're safe now." The Jedi knight exclaimed frantically. He pulled Ahsoka in his chest, while still keeping his hold on her, comforting her until she calmed down.

"There you go, it's alright Snips I'm here," Anakin said as his padawan slowly started to relax. Her breathing was heavy and she was still shaking.
Once Ahsoka had settled down, Anakin released her from his grip.

"Are you okay Commander?" Rex asked. Anakin had almost forgotten he was here.

"Sorry, you startled me is all. I'm fine." Ahsoka responded, although not too convincingly as she wouldn't meet either of their eyes.

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