Chapter 11

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Ahsoka froze in her tracks. Anakin was engaged with Fallow in the back but had asked her for back up. She needed to get to him. But all she could think about was the tight grip of fingers around her wrist. She was so close, just steps away from the door her master was behind. Though as much as she wanted to, she couldn't move. Ahsoka was frozen in fear, desperately fighting to get the feeling of his hands out of her head. However, the sound of a voice behind her caused her to whip her head around. She expected to be face to face with him. Her tormentor finally returning to finish the job. To put her out of her misery. She was surprised to not meet the eyes of Rav, but instead the twi'lek from the booth. 

"Hey, there darling where are you running off to?"  His husky voice sent a shiver down Ahsoka's spine. The sound reminded her far too much of him.

Ahsoka opened her mouth but struggled to get a word out. Her mind was racing and she began to feel her senses overload with too much input. The strobing lights were blinding, the stench of alcohol making her dizzy, and now the feel of fingers gripping her skin was confining. She couldn't focus on anything, images were flashing before her eyes and Ahsoka was starting to lose touch on reality. 

As Ahsoka tried to comprehend what was happening she didn't notice the twi'lek leading her away from the back door and towards the corner of the dance floor. 

"I need to-" she started, trying to figure a way out of this situation. She needed to get away, Rav was coming for her and she needed to get away from him. She needed Anakin.

"Don't worry hun, we're just gonna have some fun is all," 

Before she knew what was happening Ahsoka felt her back hit a wall, the twi'lek's hands moving from her wrist down to her waist. Her eyes started darting around the room, frantically trying to find something to ground herself with. Her breath and heart rate became erratic and uneven. Ahsoka brought her hands down to meet his and tried to will herself to push him away, but her body was betraying her. She couldn't find the strength to make him stop. 

The twi'lek loomed over her, oblivious to her distress. His hands ran up and down her body, his head brought down to kiss her neck. 

As she stood there, frozen and unmoving, Ahsoka watched helplessly as the scene around her changed. She wasn't in the crowded club anymore, the slight pain in her eyes the only reminder of the once flashing lights. The image morphed around her until she was standing in a small dark room. The walls were concrete, which gave the room a cold chill, reminding Ahsoka of her time on Carlac. There were strange stains and marks around the room, the visual sent a shiver down Ahsoka's spine. Before she could survey the room more her attention was drawn behind her, where she heard a set of footsteps approaching. Ahsoka whipped her head around and was met with a wall of bars. She was in a cell. The idea of being confined, trapped, caused Ahsoka to go into a panic. She recognized these walls, the stains on the floor becoming oh so familiar. She couldn't be here. Not again. 

The footsteps were getting louder and louder, the sound bouncing around her skull. He was almost there. She needed to get out. To get away from him. But she couldn't. She was trapped, powerless, helpless. Her panic seemed to take over her thoughts and Ahsoka didn't realize that the footsteps had stopped. Until she heard a voice behind her. 

"Looks like my pet has returned."

Ahsoka turned around and found herself face to face with the man that had been haunting her dreams. Except this wasn't a dream. It was a nightmare but last she recalled she wasn't sleeping. This was real, too real. Rav looked just as he had when she was first his prisoner. Eyes cold as ice, a smirk lacing his face that was evil enough to be a Sith. He stepped closer to her and suddenly his hands were making contact with her skin. She was cornered, backed into a wall and held there. There was nothing she could do, just like last time. Helpless and vulnerable.

HopelessOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora