Chapter 9

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AUTHOR'S NOTE: Please ignore the curse words. It does make the story a little more exciting.


"You honestly thought I wouldn't find you?"

He had my hair in the palms of his hands gripping it hard. I was kneeling down with my hands tied behind my back. He had a knife to my neck. I couldn't believe what was happening. Alex, Vic, Jordan, Niall, Liam, Louis and Zayn were all laying face down. I didn't know whether or not they were alive. And that scared me. I couldn't believe I put them in danger.

"Why don't you say something Allie? Why aren't you showing any emotions? I just killed your friends."

He lets go of my hair and I fall face first to the pavement. I start bleeding from my forehead. I turned to lay on my back. I look towards my uncle who was reaching for 2 guns.

"I hate you, you bastard. I fucking hate you."

He laughed at me and so did everyone else that was there.

I laid on my back and the roof was actually glass so I stared at the sky. Wishing everything would be over. That he'd kill me right then and there. I just wanted it all to be over.

Then some guy pulled me up and made me stand there.

"So why don't we make this more interesting."

2 big guys came out and they had Harry and John. They made them sit in chairs and their hands were also tied behind their backs.

"Please don't kill them. Please kill me instead. Kill me, not them."

I looked at John and tears were building in his eyes. I started to cry, begging my uncle not to shoot him.

"I'm the one you want! Please don't kill them!"

John mouthed out, "I love you." I started to shake my head, 'Don't you dare say your goodbye. Not now.' was the only thing that was going through my mind.

I looked over at Harry and that's when I started crying harder. "Please don't."

"I love you Allie." was the last thing Harry said too me.

"Please don't do this! PLEASE!"

My uncle pulled back the hammer of the gun and pulled the trigger.



"ALLIE! ALLIE! WAKE UP!" I quickly sat up, panting, and when I saw that Jordan was shaking me awake, I hugged her.

Once I pulled away from Jordan the boys came rushing inside. I looked at them and jumped off my head and hugged Liam.

"You're all okay." Liam tightly hugged me back and kissed the top of my head.

I pulled away and stared at everyone.

It was only a dream and I breathed a sigh of relief. I ran my fingers through my hair to only realise how sweaty I was.

"What happened Al?" I looked at John and hugged him.

"I had a dream that he killed all of you guys. And it felt so real.. I'm just glad it was only a dream." John hugged me tighter and as I was pulling away I asked, "Where's mom?"

Everything was silent. She hasn't been home in over 12 hours.

I looked at the time. 12:30 AM. I had fallen asleep for 2 hours. I didn't say anything when no one answered me. I just walked to the bathroom.

'Maybe a shower will calm me down.'

'I had too think positive. I had too. Maybe mom was working over time? Yeah. She's working overtime.'

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