Princess Uncle Elton.

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(Pic is the main topic of the first part of this chapter✌🏻)


"Wake up!" Colby is shaking me.

"They know" he says breathless.

"What?" I ask.

He shows me his phone many tweets and trends going on about #cavvyisreal my eyes widen.

"This is the original tweet it keeps showing up a girl saw my lock screen of you and snapped a pic of it and posted it everywhere" he says.

The tweets ranged from enraged fans to people who ships it.

I kept seeing that blown up image of his lock screen of me laying in his bed with a big smile on my face.

Gross she's ugly he deserves better she's fat.

Many things all repeated flashed on the screen as more and more tweeted.

"Hey guys did you see" Brennen stops talking when he sees me staring at the phone my lips parted in disbelief.

"The fact that anyone called you fat and ugly blows my mind" Colby states when i shut of his phone.

"You're barely even a hundred pounds!" Brennen says siding with Colby.

"It doesn't matter what they think" I say.

Colby wraps his arms around me and i lay my head on his chest.

"Let's just wait awhile to confirm it" I say and he nods.

"I'm sorry if this has ruined the trip" He says and i shake my head.

"No we chose to be in the spotlight of social media before we started dating and we're not letting that ruin anything" I say.

We all get ready for our day before leaving the hotel.

Me and Elton had discussed this morning and we all were going Mario carting today.

"I call dibs on peach" Elton says.

"I don't think anyone is going to argue with you" Jay says laughing.

"Is that the princess?oh wait i want to wear the dress" Brennen says.

"I'll be Yoshi" Colby says.

""I wanna be Yoshi" Jay says.

"Excuse me?" Colby says.

"You can be donkey kong" Colby says.

"Woah!" I say stopping the racist comment.

Going into the place where we get our costumes.

"What are you dressing up as?" Colby asks his arm wrapped around my waist.

"Bowser" I say.

"Woah dude she's our enemy" Colby says catching the guys attention while i pull on the costume closest to my size.

"Gang Gang" I say throwing up gang signs laughing.

I make all the boys take a group and individual pics with me of course Elton made me do a photo shoot which my boyfriend jumped in out and eventually so did Brennen.

Not many people were out roaming the area we were in to get the Go-Karts so Colby took advantage of having his arm around me.

"You two are cheesy" Brennen says looking at the arm Colby has slung around my shoulder that i had my hand interlaced with.

"It's not often we get to be out in public like this so shut up" I say.

Our drive through Tokyo was unbelievable we waved and said hey to almost everyone we passed Elton got a video of me and Colby holding hands while driving cause we are cheesy and Elton also pulled a skate boarded while he drove basically the whole ride the boys freaked out because this was possible.

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