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Yoongi groaned as his sleep was disturbed by the shrill ringing of his phone. He rolled to his side and off of the sofa, landing on a wet patch of carpet where he had obviously dropped the bottle of whiskey before he went to sleep.

Muttering about the wasted liquid, he sat back on his legs and picked up his phone.

"Hoseok," He grumbled after lifting the phone to his ear, "You woke me up,"

"It's already midday, Yoongz," Came the reply, "You should have already gotten up and had something to eat. I left you food yesterday,"

Yoongi grunted in reply and stood up, stretching his muscles. He then sat down on the sofa and reached down, picking up the discarded bottle, happy to see that there was some of the amber elixir left. The neck of the bottle made a soft clink as it met with the edge of the glass, and Hoseok sighed.

"That better not be you pouring yourself a glass of whiskey, Yoongi,"

"What do you want, Hoseok?" Yoongi muttered, downing the whiskey.

"I have a job for you. Do you want it?"

"It depends what it is," Yoongi could hear the hope in his friends voice, but he wasn't just going to accept any old job the violinist threw at him, just because they were friends.

"A teacher,"

"I said no to that," Yoongi rubbed his face with his hand, "I'm not teaching kid-"

"She's not a kid," Hoseok interrupted him, "She's already twenty one, and she needs your help,"

"Why mine specifically? I don't want to teach beginners,"

"She's not a beginner. She's a student in my class. Now go and shower, brush your teeth and put clean clothes on," Hoseok said, "Be at the university in an hour. You'll be paid handsomely,"

Before Yoongi could reply, his friend hung up. He sat staring at his phone for a few moments, before pushing himself to his feet. Over the small speaker in the corner of the room, a piece of piano music began to play, and Yoongi could almost see the notes in the air. With a sigh, he stood up, placing the empty glass on the table and heading to the bathroom.


"Kim Daisy, a word," Hoseok called out as his lecture finished. He was expecting Yoongi to arrive at any moment, so wanted to talk to her before the extra lessons began.

As the rest of the class slowly exited the lecture hall, the student in question came to his desk. As usual, she seemed unkempt and half asleep, like she'd rather be anywhere else but here.

"Yes, sir?" She said, taking a seat in the front row.

Hoseok resisted the urge to roll his eyes, and moved to her, "Your father and I have come to a decision," As before, whenever her father was mentioned, Daisys body tensed, "You have the skill to enter the competition, but like I've been saying for the past year, you lack the discipline and passion when you play,"

"In all fairness, Mr Jung," Daisy said, narrowing her eyes, "You don't play the piano, how would you know?"

Hoseok forced a smile, "I play basic piano, Daisy, of course I do. And I play an instrument, that's how I know,"

Daisy rolled her eyes, "Violin is not the same as piano. Playing piano with that kind of passion is... Impossible,"

Hoseok couldn't help but laugh, "Now you're talking out of your ass, Daisy," He said, ignoring her frown.

"And how would you know?" She pressed, her eyes narrow.

"Because I grew up watching Min Yoongi play piano,"

Daisy was silent for a moment, before she got to her feet, "Min Yoongi was different. And he hasn't been heard from in years,"

"Hoseok," Both Hoseok and Daisy turned to face the door, where Yoongi was leaning against the frame.

"Oh, Yoongz, you made it," Hoseok got to his feet and Yoongi came down the stairs towards him. Hoseok was thankful that his shirt was clean, even if it was a little crumpled. It was obvious that he didn't dry his hair properly again, but he was present, and that's what mattered.

"What do you want, Hoseok?" Yoongi sighed. He just wanted to go back home to his sofa to have some more time with one of his many bottles of whiskey.

"This is Kim Daisy," Hoseok said, introducing his student, "Your new pupil,"

Yoongi looked  at him with dead eyes, "I said I don't want to be a teacher,"

"I don't need a teacher," The girl snapped, "I already know how to play,"

Yoongi waved his hand, "There you go. She doesn't need a teacher. I'm going home,"

"Wait!" Hoseok cried as they both turned to leave, "Wait, at least hear her play,"

"I don't need to prove myself to anyone," Daisy said, gripping her folder to her chest, "Especially not some low level teacher like him,"

Yoongi shrugged and once again turned to leave, but Hoseok grabbed his arm, "Please, Yoongz, just once listen to her,"

With a sigh, Yoongi rolled his eyes and nodded, and then turned to Daisy, "Play, and then I can go home,"

After just a moments hesitation, the girl submitted, and Hoseok led them to the nearest piano room. He took a seat on the other side of the room, while Yoongi leaned against the wall, his arms crossed. He watched as Daisy tucked her skirt under her legs and sat on the stool, before lifting the lid to the piano.

He was thankful it wasn't a grand piano, he had grown to dislike those after the last time he played. He watched Daisy stretch her fingers a little, before placing her fingers on the ivory keys. She was crouched over slightly, not upright at all, and Yoongi frowned a little.

As soon as her fingers pressed down, and she began to play, he could tell that she had skill. She was not hitting a single off note, and the melody was pretty as it floated through the air.

But it was wrong. It was too precise, it was too mechanical, it was too forced.

"I've had enough," Yoongi said, pushing himself away from the wall, "I'm not listening to any more of this,"

Hoseoks face lit up with a smile, "I told you!"

Daisy got to her feet angrily, "There is nothing wrong with my playing! It's perfect!"

"Yeah, too perfect," Yoongi said, "It's flat and there's no life. Your music is dead," Daisy gasped in shock, before her eyes flashed with anger.

"You don't know what you're talking about," She snapped, "My playing is how it's supposed to be,"

"Yes, it follows a score perfectly," Yoongi said as she stomped over to him, "And it's worthless. You'll never get anywhere with that playing," He turned to Hoseok, "Are we done? I'm going,"

"Wait by my car, I'll drive you," Hoseok said, getting to his feet. Yoongi left the room and Daisy turned to face her teacher angrily.

"Who the hell was that rude man?" She said, "My playing is not worthless!"

Hoseok smiled at her, "He's your new teacher, Daisy. Your father and I decided to ask him,"

"That doesn't answer my question!"

"He's Min Yoongi," Hoseok said, opening the door, "And he is one of the greatest pianists ever to live,"


AN: Not edited at all what a surprise lmaoooo

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