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When Yoongi entered the practice room after Hoseoks lecture, he was surprised to see that once again, Daisy was playing Fur Elise. However, when she heard the door close, she lifted her fingers from the keys, and turned to face him.

"I'm sorry," She said quietly, "I realised that whoever it was that you lost was very important to you, and that piece brought up bad memories,"

Yoongi just stared at her for a few moments, before leaning against the wall. He wasn't quite sure how to react to this sudden change in attitude from her, but he did remember how well she had played with him. The pain of losing someone was obviously familiar to her.

"You played very well yesterday," He said, "You read the emotions of my playing, and then captured them perfectly when you joined in.

"Thank you," Daisy said, her eyes wide.

Yoongi sighed, "I think I know what we need to do to bring the passion out of you. Come with me, today's lesson is cancelled,"

He moved to the door, opening it wide and waited for her. Daisy just looked at him for a moment in surprise, before she grabbed her bag and followed him.

They walked offsite of the university in silence, until they reached a quiet little coffee shop that was closer to Yoongi's home.

Once he had gotten them both a drink, they sat in the far corner of the room, where there was less people, and sipped on their hot coffees.

"I need to learn more about you," Yoongi said, as Daisy sat looking a little nervous opposite him, "I want to know why you don't want to play, but why you do. And why you have a fixation on Fur Elise,"

Daisy sighed, lowering her mug and placing it gently on the table surface in front of her. She was quiet for a few moments, before she spoke.

"I play because my Dad makes me," She said quietly, "And I don't want to play, because it reminds me of my Mum," She took a breath, her eyes down, fiddling with the strings on her hoodie, "My mum loved it when I played for her,"

Yoongi opened his eyes widely with the shock. He was hit by more memories of his Isabella telling him how much she loved it when she played, and how she had wanted him to keep playing.

"Fur Elise was her favourite," He said. It wasn't a question, he already knew the answer. Daisy nodded, her eyes still low, "When did she pass?"

"Three years ago," Daisy answered. 

It was silent between them for a long while, as they both just sat and sipped on their coffee. Daisy kept her eyes down, and Yoongi built up the courage to speak.

"You asked me who I lost," His voice was barely above a whisper as he played with the wedding band on his finger. Daisy looked up at him, but he avoided eye contact.

"My wife," He said softly, still staring at the band, "Isabella. Izzy. She was a year younger than me, and we met after one of my performances. She was so beautiful, it took my breath away," He smiled sadly, "She was always so positive, even when she got sick, and she loved it when I played," He looked up at Daisy, who was watching him quietly, "Her favourite was Turkish March,"

He took a deep breath, "She passed two years ago, and I stopped playing. I hadn't played for so long, until recently. When she... Died... She took everything of mine with her. She took, my heart, my passion, and my love," He looked at Daisy with serious eyes, "But she was not why I started playing the piano, Daisy. I love the piano because it give you freedom. You can express yourself in any way you wish, whether it be with another's piece, or one you have composed yourself. As long as there emotion, music will always tell a story, and I know that you can understand a story that is told by music. Why did you start playing, Daisy,"

Daisys eyes filled with tears, "I asked my mum and dad when I was younger. I begged them for months to let me take lessons,"

"But even though you don't want to play anymore, you keep playing Fur Elise,"

"I want to make her proud," Daisys voice was quiet, but the tears began to flow down her cheeks, "I want to make her proud!"

Yoongi nodded, "Then let's do that," He stood up, and slowly reached his hand out to her, "I can help you,"

Daisy hesitated for a moment, before taking his hand and allowing him to pull her to his feet, "We're going back to the university?" She asked.

Yoongi shook his head, "If you want to play with passion, you need a real piano to do it on,"


AN: Sorry, this chapter is a little shorter, but I hope you still like it :) It's a filler soooo meh.

The song for this one is "Wake Me Up When September Ends - Piano Cover" by Marius Furche.

Love the original, and the cover does it justice :)

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