side chapter 3

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"What the fuck is wrong with you?!" Hoseok yelled, grabbing Jimin by the front of his shirt, "How dare you?! What kind of friend are you to keep doing stuff like this?!"

Jimin shoved Hoseok away, "I was inspired, so I wrote it. What's the deal? Jealous because I've got a super successful career full of number one singles and albums?"

Hoseok glared at the younger man, "Jimin, I am successful, and I have a girlfriend... That you are writing songs about!"

With huff, Jimin dropped into the chair, running his fingers through his presently dark hair. As an idol, he changed his hair colour frequently, but he liked it best when it was black. Because that was what Bee liked.

"Hyung, seriously, you need to get off my case. It's just a song, it's not like I'm sleeping with her or anything,"

If looks could kill, Jimin wouldn't be dead. He would have been tortured until he was at deaths door, and then Hoseok would have kicked him to finish it off.

"It is a big deal," Hoseok said through gritted teeth, "You are writing and releasing songs about how much you want my girlfriend,"

Jimin grinned. Hoseok started the fight, but he had decided he wasn't going to back down, "Yeah, and I'm about to release another one that's about her, too,"

Just as Hoseok grabbed Jimin by the front of his shirt and dragged him to his feet, the door of his apartment swung open, and in came said girl, with a  bass guitar in its case strapped to her back, and a violin in its case in her hand.

But what infuriated Hoseok more, was the fact that she was singing a particular song under her breath.

"Save me, save me, I need your love before I fall, fall- Oh, hey Jimin, I didn't know you were-" She frowned, "What's going on?"

Hoseok scowled but let go of Jimin, who immediately skipped to Bee.

"You're singing my song! Do you like it?"

"Yeah," Bee beamed, "It's good. Really catchy, too. Congratulations on another number one in the charts!"

"Thanks!" Jimin gave Bee a hug, and Hoseok continued to scowl, before Bee moved to him to give him a kiss hello.

"What happened, Hobi?" Bee asked, putting her instruments down and cupping his face, "Why're you so angry?"

Hoseok sighed and leaned his forehead against hers, "Bee, I wish you wouldn't sing Jimins songs,"

Bee smiled, "Why? Are you jealous?"

Jimin laughed when Hoseok made a grumpy sound, but was quieted by a look from Bee.

"Don't be so grumpy," She said, squishing his cheeks and pecking his lips, "I love you, I'm just singing his song,"

Jimin pouted a bit and sighed, standing up, "Well, I guess I should leave. I have a meeting with Yoongi Hyung about the next single anyway,"

"Remind me to call Yoongz," Hoseok muttered, "For encouraging this,"

Bee looked confused but waved goodbye as Jimin left. Once he was gone, Hoseok took Bees hands from his cheeks and held them in his own.

"Bee, he's writing songs about you," He said seriously, "I'd prefer if you didn't sing them,"

"Don't be silly," Bee laughed, "It's just a song. It's not about me. Either way, it doesn't matter, because I'm with you," She kissed him and he relaxed, "Okay?"

Finally, Hoseok smiled, "Yeah, I know. But still, he needs to stop!"


"Are you sure about this?" Yoongi sighed, "I arranged the piano based on what you hummed me, but you didn't show me the lyrics before,"

Isabella sat quietly next to her husband, looking at the lyrics to the song on the paper in front of her. She sighed and looked up at Jimin, "Why do you keep doing this, Jimin?"

"Because it's true! I just wish I could have even one day with her. It's not a crush, I love her, but no one supports it,"

"That's because this girl you claim to love is one of your friends girlfriends," Yoongi pointed out, "And by doing this, you're upsetting him. And me as well, I feel like you're using my music for something unpleasant,"

Isabella stood up and moved to Jimin, gently placing her hand on his shoulder, "I understand, Jimin," She said softly, "You love her, but you can't have her. But that means that you should let go and move on, instead of torturing yourself, and everyone around you. You're unhappy, and we can see that; and we hate that. Just stop, okay? Bee is off limits. This song is lovely, but please make it the last you dedicate to her,"

Jimin looked down at the floor, his face sad. He sighed and nodded, "I know. I'd never actually do anything while she's with Hyung, but I just... It's just music. She inspires me to write. She's like how you are to Yoongi Hyung,"

Yoongi sat quietly and watched the exchange between his wife and friend. Isabella always knew how to get through to people. She was kind and patient, and every time he looked at her, it made him love her even more. She was such a wonderful person, he couldn't imagine his life without her now.

"So if they ever break up," Jimin declared, "I will make my move!"

Isabella sighed and went to sit next to her husband, "I give up," She muttered, "He's impossible,"

Yoongi laughed and pulled her into him, giving her a quick kiss, "He is. But I know you. You won't give up. You always make sure that everyone does the right thing for them,"


AN: Side chapter because I wanted to write but didn't know how haha.

This song is "Just one day" piano cover by Rachael

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