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Hoseok sighed and shook his head.

"Daisy, I'm sorry, but that simply isn't good enough for the concert. What happened? You were doing so well,"

Daisy removed her fingers from the keys and stared at her fingers. She knew why her playing had gone back to the way before but wasn't sure how to fix it.

After Yoongi had shut her down so horribly after she had opened up to him, she had said some extremely harsh things. She felt guilty, but she was also hurting. She hadn't been able to talk to someone so honestly for so long, but now it seemed like she was back to square one.

She trusted him, and she assumed that he trusted her. They had even had sex, but that clearly meant nothing to him. In fact, it was something that he had not enjoyed at all. 

Daisy knew she wasn't in love with him. There may have been some feelings, but she wasn't sure what they were. They had a connection, at least, and he had even managed to get her to try to understand her own feelings and how to play with more feeling, but it felt like the relationship went only one way.

She had opened up to him, and he had only told her tiny bits about himself. He was depressed after his wife passed, and she understood that very well; maybe better than anybody else around him. But unlike her, he hadn't let go.

She still held onto her mother to some extent; of course she would. But she knew it wasn't healthy and she had at least tried to move on. The reason she was so shut off wasn't just her mother's death. Her father had played a huge role in crushing her emotions. He had forced her to continue playing an instrument she hated. She had been made to go to a university to study music instead of honing her art skills. He would never let her enjoy herself; making her study until late in the night, sometimes even forcing her to stay at the university until late to practice the piano.

She had no friends. She had nobody to talk to or look after her emotions. All she had was a dominant, domineering father who didn't care about her feelings. He just pushed and pushed her until she just locked everything up inside.

Which was probably why it hurt so much to be rejected so cruelly by her piano tutor. She wasn't looking for a romantic relationship with him. She just needed a friend. 

Yoongi didn't understand just how lucky he was to have all of those people around him, trying to help him. They nurtured him and gently insisted on pulling him back to his feet, but Daisy had no one.

She had nobody. She was alone.

"Why don't you take a break?" She looked up at Hoseok, who was smiling gently at her, "Yoongi will be back to help you soon, I guarantee it. You should take a week off. Don't play and take some time for yourself. Everyone needs to take a break every now and then, Daisy, or you will become too overwhelmed,"

Daisy sighed. With a shrug, she stood up, reaching for her bag.

"Daisy," Hoseok said, and she turned to look at him, "I believe in you, you know that? If I thought you were a lost cause, I wouldn't be pushing you so much. You have so much potential, you just need to let loose and believe in yourself. Yoongi believes in you, too,"

She said nothing. She just nodded a little and pulled her back up over her shoulder and left the room.

It didn't take her long to get home, and as it was already six in the evening, her father was already back from work.

"Why're you back so early?" Her father was a stern man, and as soon as he saw her come in, he immediately addressed her, "You're supposed to be practicing,"

"The teacher told me to take a break," She said quietly, already moving to the stairs, "He said take a few nights off,"

"Nonsense," Her father exclaimed as she began to head up, "Get practicing. I'll be up in a while to see if you've improved,"

With a sigh, Daisy went to her room. She placed her bag on her bed, before going to the next room where the piano was. Closing the door behind her, she locked it tight. If her father wanted to come in and watch her, he would have to knock.

She didn't want to play at this moment. 

Hoseok was right; she was beginning to feel overwhelmed. But she was also beginning to feel nothing. 

She placed her fingers on the ivory keys of the piano. Her mother had bought it for her when she first started playing.

She hated this piano. But she loved it with all her heart. Her emotions had become so twisted over the time since her mother was gone. She was just so confused that she didn't know how to feel anymore.

But Yoongi had taught her one thing.

He had taught her how to release her emotions through piano.

She started to play without even thinking, her fingers dancing across the keys quickly. She didn't realise that she had chosen one of Jimins songs to play until she was halfway into it, but she didn't stop.

She didn't need to. It didn't matter what piece she played. As Yoongi had taught her, music was about telling a story; her story. And that is what she did. She played almost without breathing until she reached the end of the piece, and when she finally let her fingers rest, she felt a hot tear run down her cheek. 

She had never felt more alone.

There was a harsh knock on the door and she quickly wiped her face and moced to the door to unlock it.

Standing in the door way was her father, and he was not looking pleased.

"What," He started angrily, "Kind music are they teaching you at that school?!"


AN: The music this time is a piano cover of one of my all time favourite songs; "Ai Nante" By Tegoshi Yuya of the band NEWS.

I've put a version of him singing it underneath, but again it's not a good performance, as you all know what it's like trying to find Japanese music on Youtube (in fact I really don't like the performance all that much cause of the backing music, but it's the only one I could find to show you). Plus, he's from Johnnys entertainment, and the only way for yout o hear their music is to either buy an album or live in Japan. They aren't even allowed on Spotify sooooo

Anyway here you go:

And yes, it's from a while back lol... and Yes he sings live like I love his voice so much gah and he's so cute just SHOOT ME omg memories

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