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"I want to play Hungarian Dance No. 5," Daisy said, with confidence.

"Brahms?" Yoongi said, his eyebrows raising in surprise, "That is not an easy piece, Daisy. The tempo for one is difficult to keep consistent unless you're very in sync with your partner. If I were to describe it, it's like... Organised chaos,"

Daisy smiled, "Exactly. That's what we are- were. To me, the song gives me the impression of being trapped, running and running and not able to find an exit. It gets my blood pumping, and makes me feel..." She paused, "Alive. It makes me feel alive,"

Yoongi sighed and ran his fingers through his hair, "Well if that's the piece you want to play, I guess we should look into the arrangements and decide who's playing what,"

Daisy smiled and he nodded, "Alright. And what piece do you want to play?"

As if she had lost of her new found confidence, Daisy paused.

"Fur Elise?" Yoongi asked, "I think you're ready to play it-"

"No," She interrupted him, "I don't want to play a classical piece. I know I'm supposed to, but I want to play something else; something that means something to me,"

Yoongi pursed his lips, "You know that the concert is a competition, right? And it had stop musicians and headmasters of music schools around the world attending? To a lot of people, the one chance they get to perform is their only chance to have their dreams come true?"

Daisy nodded, and Yoongi continued.

"Every single performer will be playing a classical piece from one of the famous names in musical history; like Beethoven, Bach, Vivaldi and Tchaikovsky. In fact, the scouts will expect it. And you want to play a more modern piece?"

With a sigh, Daisy nodded. However, she looked determined.

Yoongi grinned, "Then do it. Music is timeless, and if the piece has enough story to make the listener feel the intended emotion, then why can't you play whatever you want? Show them that the piano is a versatile instrument, and all it needs is a talented person to sit and play,"

Daisy smiled, getting to her feet. Yoongi was sure she had spent a lot of time carefully thinking about what song she was going to play, so he decided to trust her. She had just proved that she was more than capable of playing to a high standard, and he fully believed that even if she wasn't playing a classical piece, she had just as much chance of securing herself a high position in the competition.

Besides, even if she didn't she was opening with a classical piece anyway, and they would be sure to see her talent then.

"Maybe I'll close with a more modern piece as well," Yoongi mused, "What have you chosen to play?"

"Spring Day, by Jimin," She said, a flush on her cheeks, "I know that everyone might think that it's because I'm his fan, but the lyrics to me are really meaningful, and I thought that maybe I could dedicate it to my mother,"

Yoongi smiled softly, "Yeah, that songs perfect. You know what, I think that maybe we should leave it here today. You go home and start practising Spring Day, and I'll go and start arranging Hungarian Dance,"

Daisy nodded and gathered her things, quickly wishing him a farewell and rushing out of the room.

Yoongi sat down on the stool with a sigh. He would have to try and listen to the song to get used to it before she played it for him. She obviously wasn't to know the true meaning behind that particular piece, and he didn't blame her for that, but the song always made him cry.

Jimin had composed the song completely by himself. He refused any input from anybody; his producers or co-writers. Even the CEO of his company suggested some changes, but Jimin refused. They wanted him to write about missing an old girlfriend, or longing for love, but he would not change anything.

The song was a hit, of course, but it wasn't like his usual songs.

He had written the song about Isabella. Once she passed, he had locked himself up for days, just as Yoongi did, but he was being productive. 

Yoongi hadn't realised at the time that it wasn't just him who was suffering from the loss of Isabella. All his friends were in pain as well; they loved her too. Jimin had decided to turn his pain into music, just as Yoongi had taught him to when he had first started out. 

When Hoseok first played him the song, Yoongi had broken down. It was so beautiful, so painful and so raw and honest. Jimin had exposed his feelings to everybody by singing this song, and in doing so, he had gracefully let go of his pain and let go of Isabella.

With a sigh, he pulled out his phone and started a call to his friend.

"Hey, Hyung! What's up?" Jimin answered on the second ring, and Yoongi had to laugh. He was probably playing games on his break.

"Are you keeping your promise to come and watch Daisy at the concert?" He asked, "Make sure you don't have any schedule on that day,"

"Of course, Hyung, get me a ticket would you? I'll let the manager know. How's it going with her?"

"Really well, actually," Yoongi replied, pressing a single finger down on the keys of the piano in front of him, "We're going to do the opening performance together. As a duet,"

"Really? You've never performed with anybody before!"

Yoongi smiled, "I know. I promised to do my first performance with Izzy, but..." He trailed off, clearing his throat, "I think doing it with Daisy is a good idea. Hey, do you know she's chosen her piece for the competition? She told me just now,"

"Can I know what it is, or is it a surprise?"

"She wants to play Spring Day,"

There was silence on the end of the line, and finally he spoke, "Is that okay?"

"Yeah," Yoongi smiled, "I think she'll do it justice,"

"Then good," Jimin replied, "I can't wait to hear her interpretation of such an important song,"

"I'll see you there, then?"

"Yeah, Hyung. I'll see you there,"


AN: Of course, the piece for this chapter is "Spring Day" BTS Piano cover by Smyang

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