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Yoongi sat through Hoseoks lecture again, but this time he decided he was going to pay attention.

He could see Daisy a few rows back from the front. She was by herself, and was furiously taking notes on absolutely everything Hoseok said. Either that, or she was immersed in writing something else. 

She seemed tired to Yoongi, as if she hadn't slept for a while, but he knew how that felt. 

As he watched her, he could see that she was the complete opposite of a lot of the girls in the lecture hall. She was wearing a plain t-shirt, and her black hair was pulled back into a rough pony tail, with a few strands lose around her face. She kept flicking the hair out of her eyes irritably, and it made him wonder why she wasn't more careful when she tied it back. 

She had tanned skin, that he was sure would be glowing beautifully if she didn't look so stressed. Her fingers were long and elegant, but she herself was clearly very clumsy and and not elegant at all.

She was the complete opposite of his love. Isabella had grace, and charm. She cared about her appearance, even though she looked beautiful no matter what; but she made an effort in everything she did. Most importantly, she had passion.

Daisy looked like she was beginning to lack the will to live. He could relate to her, on that aspect.

Once Hoseoks lecture was over, she got up and headed to her music room, and Yoongi moved towards his friend, who was packing up his bag.

"Hoseok, I don't think I can do it," He said honestly, "She doesn't want to play,"

His friend sighed, "Yoongi, you can do it," He insisted, "I know you can,"

Hoseok continued to shove things into his bag, before throwing it over his shoulder and grabbing his coat. Yoongi frowned.


"I have to be somewhere," His friend said, rooting around in his coat pocket for his car keys, "Depending on how it goes, I'll pick you up from work and we can go for dinner. It is Friday, after all,"

"Where are you going? You're just going to leave me with her?"

"I'm going... Somewhere," Hoseok said, patting Yoongis shoulder, "I'll let you know later. Bye, Yoongz,"

Yoongi sighed and watched Hoseok leave the hall, before he picked up his own jacket and headed up towards the exit. However, as he passed the row where Daisy had been sitting, he saw something laying on the floor under her seat. He picked his way through the chairs and and bent at the waist, reaching under for it.

He hummed when he saw it was a sketchbook with Daisys name on the front. He opened the front page and realised that Daisy was not taking notes. She was drawing. Yoongi was surprised at how beautifully she drew, and how precise each stroke of the pen or pencil was. It was a lot like her playing, with how perfect it was, but it had something that her playing did not.


Yoongi had discovered her passion.

He flicked through the pages with his eyebrows raised in shock, and stopped when he came to a familiar face.

"Huh," He muttered, staring at the lovingly crafted image, "Who would have thought?"

He shut the sketchbook and headed back out of the row and towards the music rooms. 

Daisy didn't even turn around as Yoongi entered the room; she just continued to play, somewhat lifelessly. She was playing a piece that Yoongi was very familiar with, and that held a lot of memories for him. It was what he had played on stage the night he had met his love.

"Debussy," He said, and Daisy grunted a little as the tempo increased.

"This is a very passionate piece for someone who doesn't want to play," He pointed out.

"Who said I don't want to play?" Daisy snapped back, "If I didn't want to, I wouldn't,"

Yoongi was silent as he watched her fingers move over the keys. They weren't dancing, they were like zombies; they could move but they were stiff and unfeeling. She was once again slouched over the piano, and it made his eye twitch with irritation.

"Stop," He said, unable to watch her play any longer, "Stop, Daisy, take your hands off the keys,"

Daisy made a frustrated sound and swiveled around on the stool, "What now?"

"I can't listen to you destroy that piece any longer," Yoongi grunted, "It's painful to hear and watch,"

"I play it exactly how it's supposed to be played!" Daisy cried, "What is wrong with you people?!"

"You dont," Yoongi replied, annoyed, "You play it like a lifeless, cold zombie, and you ruin each and every piece you play with your lack of passion,"

Daisy got to her feet angrily, and Yoongi met her head on, equally angry.

"Why do you play, Daisy?!" He asked loudly, "Why do you touch the keys?!"

"Because I'm a pianist!" She growled back, her eyebrows low over her deep brown eyes in a frown.

"You're not a pianist," Yoongi snapped, "You are just able to play. Why do you play?"

Daisy turned her back on him and he reached out, grabbing her wrist and turning her back to face him again.

"Why do you play?!" He repeated, trying not to yell in her face.

Daisy yanked her arm free of Yoongis grip, "Because my Dad makes me!" She screamed at him, "He won't let me quit!"

Both of them stared at each other in shock for a moment, before Daisy took a step backwards.

She turned and grabbed her bag, throwing the door open and running out as fast as her legs could carry her.

Yoongi was still standing in shock when he realised that he still had her sketch book in his hand. He sighed, his eyes fixated on the piano keys in front of him. He felt a sudden sadness in his heart. Nobody should be forced to do something they hated, especially if it was an instrument. How would someone ever appreciate music, if they despised creating it?

It hurt his heart to hear that Daisy didn't want to play because she was forced into it.

He had already lost the love of his life, and the ability to play. If he wasn't able to listen to music, he would have nothing. Music was all he knew, and the only thing that brought him any resemblance of pleasure anymore.

It was at that moment, that he decided that he had to help this poor girl. Because if he didn't her life would be devoid of music, and that was something that he did not want to happen for her.


AN: The piece that Daisy was playing is in the video at the top :) I'll start putting the relevant music in the top for you to listen to while you read :)

And the picture that Yoongi was looking at that she drew... is this one: (sorry for the bad quality i just took a picture and posted it)


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