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"I'm sorry, Gigi," Isabella sighed as she hooked her arm through his. They had just finished a dinner with her parents, and her father had been very rude to her, causing Yoongi to get angry; which in turn, caused a very heated argument. 

"Don't apologise, Izzy," He said, stopping to turn her to face him, "It's not your fault. I just couldn't let him talk to you like that,"

"He loves us both very much," Isabella said softly, "He just changes when he drinks. He's so stressed from me being sick, that he's just taking it out on me. Please don't be angry at him,"

Yoongi tucked a strand of her thinning hair behind her ear and kissed her gently on her lips, "It's alright, Izzy," He said, cupping her face and rubbing his thumbs up and down her cheeks, "In the morning he won't even remember what happened. It will all go back to normal,"

"But will it, though?" Isabella lowered her gaze, "He's already smoking those death lollies, and I know he's going to start getting dependent on alcohol when I pass. I-"

"No!" Yoongi cried, gripping her face a little tighter and moving so close that their noses were almost brushing, "Don't talk like that, Isabella," He said, "Please don't talk like that, the doctors are going to cure you!"

Isabella sighed with a sad smile and gently pulled Yoongis hands from her face, "That isn't true, and you know it. I'm dying, Gigi, and the quicker you accept that, the quicker you will let go of me and move on. I don't want you to be like my father, Yoongi," Tears filled her eyes as she gripped his hands, "I want you to be happy. I want you to play the piano, I want you to smile. I want you to love,"

Yoongi pulled away slowly, "I can't love anyone like I love you," He whispered.

"You're only twenty five," She said, "You have your whole life ahead of you,"

"And it's going to have you in it!" Yoongi shouted, making her jump, "My life isn't complete without you, Isabella! Why can't you see that?"

Isabellas usually gentle eyes went steely and hard, "Why can't you see that I am dying, Min Yoongi?!" She raised her voice, and Yoongis eyes widened in shock, "This isn't about you, this is about me! I am the one that is dying! You are the one with your whole life ahead of you! Why can't you just do me one thing before I die, and promise that you'll live on and be happy!"

"I can't promise you something like that," Yoongi said, looking at her with sad eyes, "I know I'm being selfish, but I need you. I don't want you to go!"

Isabella sighed, "Life ends for everyone, Yoongi. Some earlier than others, but in the end, we are all going to die. I have come to terms with my fate, and I want you to do the same. Nothing would make me happier right now, than knowing that the man I love more than anything on this entire planet, will be happy when I'm no longer here. How can you expect me to move on when you can't?"

As Yoongi stared at her, Isabella sighed, "I don't want to fight, Yoongi," She said quietly, "I want to live while I still can,"

Yoongi ran his fingers through his hair. He closed his eyes and nodded. Taking her hand, he led her to his car and helped her in to the front seat. It hurt him to hear that Isabella had given up hope.

But he hadn't. He would always love her, and he would always hold on to the hope that there was a cure out there for her, even if she or her doctors didn't believe it.


Yoongi groaned when he felt someone gently shaking him. He opened his gritty eyes and peered up as the blurry figure above him slowly came in to focus. He felt the sofa dip near his legs, and a hand landed on his shoulder.

"What happened, Yoongz?" Hoseok said softly, "You've been doing so well, why did you relapse?"

Yoongi grunted and sat up, rubbing his face with his hand, before scrubbing at his hair.

"I had a bit of a breakthrough with Daisy," He muttered, reaching out and sparking up a cigarette.

"That's good," Hoseok's voice was still soft, "But that doesn't answer my question,"

"I played for her," Yoongi's voice was raspy from the amount of alcohol he had consumed the night before, so he stood up and stumbled to his kitchen to get a glass of water. His friend followed, waiting patiently for him to speak.

"She made me play for her," He said, his eyes on the ground, "I was trying to explain how to play passionately, and I played..." He trailed off and Hoseok spoke up.

"Played what?"

"Winters Heart," Yoongi's voice was barely audible.

"Oh, Yoongz," Hoseok said softly, reaching out to touch his friends shoulder, "You played it in front of Daisy?"

Yoongi nodded, "Hoseok, she joined in. At the end, she sat next to me, and she joined in. She matched me almost perfectly, and she began to cry. She asked me who I lost,"

"She read the emotion when you were playing?" Hoseok gasped, "That's amazing! I knew you could do it!"

Yoongi sighed and downed the water in one gulp, "She said that she lost someone, too,"

"Oh," Hoseok nodded, "Yeah, her mother passed a few years ago. Her father's been... Very tough on her since then. It's why he makes her play, and why she wants to stop, I assume,"

Yoongi frowned and took a deep drag from his cigarette, before stamping it out in the tray on his table.

"I'm going for a shower," He muttered, heading towards the bathroom, "Then we can get to your class,"

Hoseok watched as Yoongi headed down the hallway. He paused slightly in front of the door that led to the room that contained his piano, before gently closing it, and going straight into the bathroom.

Yoongi still had a way to go, but he was getting there. Every tiny step was progress, and now he had finally played the piece that he had never even wanted to hear again, Hoseok knew there was hope. 

He relapsed, sure, but every body has little hiccoughs on their journey to happiness. And Hoseok was determined to make his best friend happy again.

He missed him.


AN: This piece is "River Flows In You" by Yimura


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