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The moment that they began to play, Yoongi could feel a change in Daisy. They had practised this to perfection, working on everything from the tempo to synchronisation and emotions. However, this was different; he could feel it.

Daisy was a lot more animated than usual. She wasn't sitting dead straight at the keys, and she didn't have the worry or concern about messing up written all over her face. In fact, she didn't just look confident, she looked excited. Happy. 

Matching with his playing perfectly, the tone of the music changed from what they had intended it to be.

They had originally wanted to show the audience organised chaos. They wanted them to see how both Yoongi and Daisy used to feel trapped in their emotions, unable to live properly because of their loss. They wanted to show their fight to break free from their emotional chains and how they moved on.

The piece they were playing now, although still organised chaos, was not what they practised. They were weaving a story of pent-up energy and excitement. It was clear that they were currently happy with their situations, and had a lot of time to make up for.

A quick glance at the audience told Yoongi that their message was being heard loud and clear; they were seated at the edge of their seats, eyes wide and some even with smiles on their faces.

As the pair brought their exciting piece to the end, he couldn't help but smile. He had missed this. He had forgotten what it felt like to tell a story on stage in front of willing ears, and their reactions made him remember why he used to perform.

It wasn't for fame or money, although the money was most definitely a perk of the job. It wasn't so he would get recognised by those who were familiar with the kind of music he played. He didn't do it because his wife had liked it, or even because he loved playing.

He loved making people feel. He loved seeing their smiles or tears because of whatever story he was telling. He loved the way the music resonated in the hearts of the people watching. You didn't need lyrics to tell a story; music itself was full of words if you just took the time to listen.

Their duet came to its finale, and as they both slammed their hands down for the final notes, the audience got to their feet, cheering and clapping. He looked over at Daisy, who was a little out of breath, but smiling widely. He took her hand, helping her away from the stool, and they both gave a quick bow, before heading off the stage.

"That was amazing!" She cried, the smile on her face growing even wider, "I can't even describe it, I- wow!"

Yoongi pulled her into a hug as the next performer went on to the stage, "That was brilliant, Daisy," He said, pulling away, "I'm proud of you. Look how far you've come!"

She smiled up at him, "I have to thank you, for that," She said, "I wouldn't have been able to do it without you,"

"And I wouldn't have been able to do it without you," He said honestly, "As cheesy as that sounds, helping you helped me,"

They both fell into an awkward silence, not really knowing what to say to eachother. As he listened to the various solo pieces that came after them both, he realised something. It was clear that Daisy didn't need his help anymore. She had a very good chance of winning the competition, but even if she didn't she didn't need him. In fact, he felt like he actually hadn't done all that much to help her. 

She had helped herself find the love and passion for the piano. All he did was nudge her in the right direction and speak to her father. Apart from that, it was all her.

He finally broke the silence, "Are you ready to play your solo piece?"

Daisy hesitated, and then nodded,"I think so. My father is in the audience, and I want him to see that it isn't all about classical pieces from famous composers. I want to show him that I can move people with any piece, as long as..." She smiled a little, "As long as I play with emotion,"

Yoongi nodded, "Also, no pressure, but," He grinned, "Jimin's in the audience. He came to watch you as he promised. This is a piece entirely composed by him, and-" He cut himself off, hesitating. He wasn't sure telling her the true meaning of the song before she performed would be the best for her nerves; but on the other hand, if she knew, it might give her a little more to work on.

He cleared his throat, "He wrote that song about Isabella - my wife. It's about how he felt when she passed away. We were all very close, and they felt her loss just as much as I did, they just coped better,"

Daisy's eyes widened, "I didn't know that! I'm sorry, I probably picked the wrong-"

"No," Yoongi cut her off, "You'll play it perfectly, I'm sure of it. Jimin said he can't wait to see how you interpreted his song, so I want you to go out and play with everything you have. Even if you cry on the stage, it doesn't matter. You can do it,"

They both turned their heads when they heard Hoseok on the stage.

"The next solo piece will be Kim Daisy with "Spring Day,". Arranged by Daisy herself and originally composed by Park Jimin,"

Yoongi turned back to Daisy, "I believe in you,"

She took a deep breath and nodded, before heading to the stage. He could see she was nervous, but underneath that top layer of fear, was a strong determination. She wasn't going out onto the stage to win. She was going out there to prove herself, and show the world that you can tell a story with any kind of music.


AN: This piece is "Hungarian Dance No. 5" by Brahms, performed by the Scott brothers

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