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Yoongi turned when he heard someone clearing their throat. 

He wiped his eyes and sat up straight, pulling away from Bee.

"I didn't hear you come in," He said.

"We didn't want to interrupt," Hoseok said softly. His eyes were glassy as if he were trying not to cry. It was obvious that both him and Jimin had been standing there for a while.

"When did you get back?" Bee asked, getting to her feet and heading over to the pair. She pecked Hoseok on the cheek as he wrapped an arm around her waist.

"At the end of the song," Jimin answered, taking a seat where Bee was previously sat. Yoongi looked away from his friends. He knew that he shouldn't be, but somehow he felt a little embarrassed. 

Hoseok had seen him at his worst. He had even seen him completely unclothed. He had been feeding him and dressing him and keeping him alive for the past two years, but somehow this moment felt more raw; more important. He was seeing without the clouds of despair for the first time in so long that he was finally able to understand everything that his friends had been through, just because of him.

"Bee is right, Yoongz," He heard Hoseok's voice from the doorway, but he couldn't look up, "We are proud of you. You've done all this yourself. We didn't make you do it, you chose that you needed to move on, and that makes it all that much more of an accomplishment,"

Jimin placed his hand on Yoongi's shoulder, "It took a long time, Hyung," He said softly, "But we don't think any less of you for it. We are proud that you managed to climb up out of the hole by yourself without anyone. You should be proud of yourself, you just did something amazing,"

Yoongi finally had the courage to look up at his friends. He wiped his face again, and he huffed out a small laugh, "Thanks, guys," He said. He didn't know what else to say. He knew that a simple thank you wasn't enough, but it was all he could find to say.

"Yoongi for God's sake," Hoseok laughed suddenly, "Just play the damn piano already, none of us can cope with this much emotion,"

Yoongi finally laughed and nodded, turning on the stool and once again placing his fingers on the ivory keys. Jimin stood up and stood to one side, giving Yoongi some room to play.

He wasn't sure why he picked the piece he did, but he decided to follow his own advice and just play what was going on in his head. However, after he got through the introduction of the piece, He lifted his head in shock, his eyes wide.

Jimin was standing next to the piano, singing the lyrics to the song that Yoongi was playing.

His voice was pure and clear, and he could already feel the tears welling up in his eyes as a smile broke out on his face. His fingers danced along the keys, telling the story of the song and enhancing Jimin's beautiful vocals. By the time the pair had got to the chorus, he could hear Bee sniffling behind him, and a quick glance over his shoulder showed him that she was clinging to Hoseok, tears streaming down her face.

Hoseok was also crying, but he had a proud look on his face, and when he caught Yoongi's eye, a wide, smile spread across his cheeks, and Bee begain to cry even harder.

Jimin and Yoongi finished the piece with one of Jimin's powerful, long notes and Yoongi gently brought the song to a close.

"That was a nice way to say goodbye to Isabella," He said softly, "I think she's happy right now, wherever she is. I know she's finally at peace,"

Bee let out a loud wail and rushed forwards, wrapping her arms around Yoongi's body. He felt two more sets of arms as Jimin and Hoseok joined in the group hug, and when they finally pulled away, Yoongi couldn't help but laugh.

"Bee, you look so ugly right now,"

Bee choked out a laugh, wiping her face before smacking his arm hard enough for him to yelp and start laughing again.

"Don't call Bee ugly," Jimin said, grinning, "Even though I have to admit... You aren't exactly a pretty crier,"

"Shut up," Bee half cried half laughed, also slapping Jimin, "I know, alright!" She turned to her boyfriend, "Hobi, do you still love me?"

Hoseok grinned, "Maybe if you stop crying and wipe the snot from you no- Ow! Hey okay okay I was joking, there's no snot! Yes, I love you calm dow- Ow Bee!"

Yoongi laughed as Hoseok ran away from Bee, and he could hear their laughter down the hallway. He felt as though a huge weight had been lifted from his shoulders. His chest felt clear and his heart, although aching, was happy.

"Hey, Hyung," Yoongi looked up at Jimin, "You wanna go out and have a drink? I think you deserve a celebration,"

Yoongi smiled and sat up, "I don't want alcohol," He said, clapping his friend on the shoulder, "But yeah, let's go out,"


AN: This chapters piece is "Hallelujah" by Kyle Landry

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