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Yoongi gripped his thigh so tightly that he was sure that  in a few moments there would be no blood flow down his leg at all. His other arm was around his wife, who was seated behind him in the Doctors office.

"The new tablets haven't helped at all, Mrs Min," The Doctor said, his voice infuriatingly calm, "We are going to have to try chemotherapy, but at this stage, there is no guarantee that it will work,"

"Well why didn't you try that to start with?!" Yoongi cried. His wife was dying and the Doctors hadn't used the most appropriate medication for her, and now he was saying it was too late?

"He said my body might not be able to withstand it," His beautiful wife said softly, placing her hand gently on his other thigh to calm him, "That's why we tried the less harsh tablets,"

He closed his eyes and took a deep breath, "How do we get started with this, then?"

Yoongi and his wife drove home in silence. When they got in through their front door, Yoongi immediately dropped his wife's bag on the floor and headed to the kitchen to get a glass of water. His emotions were on overdrive; he was angry, and sad, and had a heart full of doubt mixed with hope. He didn't know how to feel.

"Yoongi," He heard Isabella's soft voice behind him, and sighed, lowering his head, "I'm sorry. I know you're angry at me, and you have every right to be,"

"Why didn't you tell me any of this before?!" Yoongi cried, spinning around to face her. She met his furious glare with calm eyes, even though they were filled with tears, "I should have been there for you! Why did you decide to go through all of this without me?"

"Your music is more important," Isabella said softly, "And without your music, I can't be happy, either. Your music gives me life, and if you stopped because of me, I could never forgive myself,"

Yoongi took a deep breath and closed his eyes. He felt his wife's hands slowly slide around his waist, and wrapped his own arms around her fragile body as she rested her head on his chest.

"Please, Yoongi, promise me you won't ever stop playing because of me,"

Taking a deep breath, Yoongi promised her, before her kissed her lips gently, and with more passion than ever before, "Of course not, Izzy. I love you, so much,"


Yoongi's eyes snapped open and he bolted upright. He had almost forgotten that promise to his wife. With a sigh, he ran his fingers through his hair and reached out for the box of cigarettes on the table. 

"I didn't break the promise," He muttered to himself as he tapped one free and lit up, "I stopped playing because of me,"

As he took a drag of the cigarette, he glanced at the clock on his wall. It was already four PM, and he had slept almost the entire day without realising. He knew he was lacking in sleep, but he had never slept the entire night and day before recently. He had slept all through the weekend, and now through an entire day.

Maybe he was finally catching up on sleep.

Yoongi's stomach grumbled, and he got to his feet, before heading into the kitchen to look for something to eat. His eyes focused on a box of eggs that Hoseok had left on the counter, and he couldn't help but smile. Isabella used to make him soft boiled eggs with soldiers all the time, and he loved how she lit up every time he took a bite of such a simple meal.

It was something that her mother used to make for her, and although she was a brilliant cook, she loved making the breakfast for him.

He filled a pot with some water and put the eggs in while he dropped some bread in the toaster. Yoongi leaned against his kitchen counter, puffing on his cigarette while he waited for the food to be finished. Once it was done, he sat at his little table, and dug in.

He didn't realise that he was crying from the familiar taste until a teardrop plopped onto his hand, and he stared at it in surprise, before wiping his face angrily.

"So stupid," He laughed as the tears began to flow heavier and heavier from his eyes, "So stupid!" 

He pushed the plate away and lowered his head onto his hands. 

"I can't even eat a meal without crying," He muttered, "I'm pathetic,"

After a few moments of gathering himself, Yoongi sat upright and stared at the half eaten egg and toast on his plate. He hadn't cried over food before, and a sudden realisation hit him.

He had completely locked his emotions away when Isabella left him. He had lost her, and his passion, and thought he was numb to everything, but in reality, he wasn't numb. He had just locked his feelings away with alcohol and cigarettes. He had made a mistake. And now his emotions were trying to force their way out.

His chair was thrown backwards onto the floor from the force of him getting to his feet. He went out into the hallway and grabbed a key that was hanging on a hook by the door, before going to the master bedroom and sliding it into the lock.

The door clicked and swung open, revealing a dusty interior, filled with boxes. In the centre of the room, was an enormous white grand piano, and only hesitating for a moment, he stepped towards it and lifted the lid covering the beautiful ivory keys.

He sat on the stool, staring at the black and white rectangles, before slowly lowering his fingers to the keys.

With a choked sob that sounded more like a scream, Min Yoongi began to play.


AN: This chapters music, and what Yoongi started to play, is "Andare" By Ludovico Einaudi (Without the strings, obviously hehe.) It's a beautiful piece, and to me, it is extremely emotional and passionate.

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