side chapter 2

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"You know, Hoseok is going to despise this song," Yoongi said as Jimin finished gently singing the lyrics and playing the guitar of his new single to him. They were to go on top of the music that Yoongi had composed, and he knew it was going to be a hit. 

Hopefully the girl it was aimed at would hear it and fall in love with him when she realised how much he loved her.

"Isn't it... A little inappropriate?" Isabella said. She was sat on Yoongis lap with his arms tightly around her waist, "You're singing about your friends girlfriend. He even wants to propose to her,"

"Yes, well," Jimin said a little sheepishly, "I've liked her for a lot longer than him,"

"Yes, but she likes him," Isabella said gently, "Jimin, you're a talented, incredibly handsome young man. You can have any girl you like. Why don't you try and move on, instead of trying to move in on your friends girlfriend?"

"Izzy, Izzy, Izzy," Jimin said, "I'm not trying to move in, I'm just trying to... Express myself. Music is a form of expression,"

Isabella sighed and Yoongi tilted his head to look up at her, "Bee probably won't even realise it's about her," He said, "And even if she does, she's so in love with Hoseok. You don't need to worry. At least Jimin will get another hit song out of this,"

Yoongis wife nodded, and then shook her head at Jimin, "I just want it known that I don't approve of this. The song is beautiful, of course, but the actual reason it was written, is not,"

"I just want her to understand," Jimin said, "Hoseokie Hyung has never written a song about her,"

"No, he hasn't," Yoongi agreed, "But he has composed entire pieces of music for her, and he even performed them on stage with her,"

"Pssht," Jimin said dismissively, "I don't play any classical instruments like them, I only play the guitar, so it's not the same,"

Both Isabella and Yoongi rolled their eyes.

"You do know that Hoseok is probably going to punch you for this?" Yoongi said, "She might not know who it's about, but he will,"

"He can try," Jimin said with a huge grin.


"Please, just one date?" Jimin was smiling, but he looked nervous. Bee frowned at him.

"I already told you, Jimin, no. I literally just broke up with Hoseok two days ago, and you're supposed to be his friend!"

"I don't mean a romantic date," Jimin said quickly with a nervous laugh, "I mean just a... friendship date. To cheer you up,"

Bee sighed and rubbed her eyes with her fingers. She hadn't slept the past two nights because she was still upset about what had happened between her and Hoseok. She was wondering if she really did make the right choice. She was regretting it, a lot, but she really had to be selfish sometimes

Maybe once Hoseok had gotten over her, he would realise that Yoongi needed professional help.

"It's not a date, then, is it?" Bee said, "I won't go on a date with you, Jimin, and to be honest, I'm kind of upset that you're even asking. But if you want to do something as friends, then I will, because even though I broke up with Hoseok, I'm still your friend,"

Jimins face lit up, "How about you come and see my concert, and then we go for dinner?"

"As friends?" Bee asked.

"As friends," Jimin confirmed, "Nothing more, nothing less. Even though I've liked you for years, and you kno-"

"Jimin," Bee cut him off, "Please, don't. You know I love Hoseok, and you and I..." She trailed off, "You're his friend, supposedly, I could never do that to him. You shouldn't either,"

"I know, I know," Jimin sighed. He smiled again, "So, tomorrow the doors open at six, and then we can eat once it's done,"

"Alright," Bee smiled, "I'm looking forward to it,"

"Me too!" Jimin said as he turned to walk away with a wave, "It's a date!"

"No it's not!"


AN: Sorry It's been so long since I updated this, because it's been so busy, I've found it hard to get into the right mindset to write this. So for now, here's a side chapter that shows some interaction between Isabella, Yoongi and Jimin, and Bee and Jimin. I know it's not much, and it's short, I'm so sorry! I know a lot of you are eager for the next chapter, and I promise I'll try to get it up ASAP without it being rushed, because I really am pouring  a lot of emotion etc into this book.

Anyway, the song is one from a previous chapter, which is "Save Me" BTS acoustic guitar cover by Sungha Jung. Bet you weren't expecting Jimin to be able to play the guitar, huh? XD

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