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Yoongi felt all colour drain from his face when the three people in the room stared at him, Bee with a grin on her face.

"Someone forget something?" She said happily, "Are you going to introduce us?"

"No," Yoongi snatched the pair of underwear from Bee's fingers and quickly strode from the room where he swiftly dropped them into the bin.

"Yoongz?" Hoseok asked, following him, "What's wrong?"

Yoongi ignored him and went to his cupboard, pulling out a bottle of whiskey and drinking it straight from the bottle, "I thought everyone wanted a drink?" He snapped as Jimin and Bee appeared in the doorway.

"Yoongi, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to pry," Bee said softly, heading towards him, "I just thought that maybe there was someone making you ha-"

"I've changed my mind," Yoongi said suddenly, "I don't want to drink. All of you should go home,"

"I'm sorry," Hoseok frowned as Bee shrunk away from him, her face red from embarrassment. He moved to her, placing his arm on her shoulders.

"Yoongi, what happened?"

"Go home," Yoongi repeated, his grip on the bottle growing tighter. He couldn't deal with their prying, and judging anymore.

"Hyung," Jimin stepped forward, "We'll leave, but don't be mad at Bee, she just wanted to-"

"I said get out!" Yoongi yelled, turning and throwing the bottle of whiskey as hard as he could. It smashed into the wall, splashing Bee with whiskey and showering her with broken glass. She shrieked, jumping back into Hoseoks arms as he tried to pull her away.

"What the fuck, Hyung?!" Jimin yelled, "You could have seriously hurt someone!"

"I've had enough!" Hoseok charged towards him, gripping him by the front of his shirt and swinging him around to smash into the wall, "I'm done with you, Yoongi," He said, his face a picture of pure rage, "You only ever hurt those around you, and now you almost physically hurt Bee!"

Jimin yanked Hoseok back as Bee began to cry, not knowing what to do in this situation; she had never seen either Hoseok or Yoongi this angry before, and the shock of almost being hit by a flying bottle was just too much for her.

She didn't want them to fight.

"Hoseok, let's just go," She cried as Jimin continued to drag him back, trying to pry his hands from Yoongi's shirt.

"Hyung, Bee's upset!" Jimin yelled in Hoseoks ear, "Come on, she wants to go! Let's take her home!"

Hoseok shoved Yoongi away from him and staggered backwards as Jimin finally let go.

"I'm done, Yoongi," He said quietly, "I've tried so hard over the last two years, and I've put up with all your shit, but this is too much," He took a deep breath, "I just can't do this anymore. I thought you were trying to get better but..." He trailed off and went to Bee, wrapping his arm around her shoulders and pulling her towards Yoongi's front door.

They left without a word, and Jimin just stood quietly in the doorway.

"Hyung," He said, "Sleeping with Daisy is not cheating on Isabella," His voice was soft, and Yoongi looked up at him sharply, "It's not hard to figure out," Jimin said, forcing a weak smile, "I know everyone thinks I'm stupid, but I'm not. The only woman you spend time with is her, so..."

He shook his head and turned away, moving to follow Hoseok and Bee, "You still haven't accepted that Isabella is dead, and you are allowed to move on. It's been two years, Hyung. You need to stop holding on to the past, it's not good for you. Or any of us,"

Without another word, Jimin exited the house, jogging to keep up with his friends who were already sat in Hoseoks car waiting for him.

Yoongi stood silently in his kitchen, staring down the hallway to where the front door was. In one, stupid moment of selfish anger, he had destroyed his whole world.

His best friend of so many years had left him, a friend who looked up to him was disgusted, and he had almost seriously hurt an innocent woman who just wanted to see him happy. On top of that, he had lost his job because of his selfish, careless words.

He didn't realise that he was crying until he dropped to his knees and the tears splashed down onto his hands. He squeezed his eyes shut, trying to block out all of the pain he was feeling; all of the guilt and sorrow over his actions over the last couple of days.

He could hear their voices echoing around his head, vying for attention as they criticized and crushed him.

"I can't do this anymore,"

"You only care about yourself,"

"Move on,"

"Isabella is dead,"

"Your wife is dead,"

"Dead, dead, dead, dead!"

He didn't realise that he was screaming, his hands clamped over his ears until he felt a hand on his shoulder, and he was yanked up into a small body, arms wrapped around him as his voice grew hoarse and his eyes grew sore from the tears.

He didn't realise that he was struggling to breathe until the hand on his back rubbed him gently, accompanied by a soft, gentle voice.

"It's okay. We're here. We won't leave. We love you,"


AN: This piece is gorgeous in my opinion, seriously, I love it! It's so passionate! It's "River" By Dik Maassen, and I hope you enjoyed this chapter!

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