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Dear Diary,

It has been two weeks since Diego and I made our relationship public,and the whole instagram thing. I made it seem like I was completely ok with it, and it didn't affect me . Deep down I was hurt. Me looking at those girls made me feel like I wasn't worth anything to Diego. I didn't have the right body for him. I keep on telling myself that I was the main one, the only one he loved. No way I feel like shit. I feel like every other girl crap. That is why I started taking cans again.I don't take as many as I used to, but I got back on them. I also started cutting. And this was all because of a boy. A boy I thought I didn't have to try with. Maybe I wasn't with the Diego leanos, but I am with Lil Xan. I want Diego Leanos

I finish writing in my diary and out it back to here I normally put it. Behind a picture of me and Diego at our middle school graduation. I didn't know when I was going to tell Diego how I really felt, but I knew I would say something eventually.

*2hours later

I started getting really bored just sitting on the couch thinking while watching Shameless. So I decided to call Diego. He said he will be at my house in ten minutes. I run upstairs think that I had to change but at the end I chose not to. I look around my room and bathroom to see if my bag of Xans are in a good hiding spot and same thing as my Diary.

Diego🌹: hey I am here what floo you live on and the apartment #

Mybby💔: I am on the 34 floor the elevator should take you straight to my penthouse

Diego🌹: damn baby living it large

I hear the elevator door open up. I run down the stairs to greet Diego, and I completely forgot I left my Xans in the bathroom.



I step inside into Maia's penthouse with shock. The view was amazing and it was very neat and clean. I see Maia coming down the stairs to meet up with me. I go up to her and give her a quick kiss on the the lips.

" do you wanna go and get some food" Maia asks

"Yes, let me go to the bathroom first, where is it"

"It is up the stairs, walk down three bedrooms and you will see mine, and go in and look to the left." Maia says while flaring her arms in the directions . Once I get upstairs I follow the directions to the bathroom. The first thing I see when I walk in is one plastic bag of Xans, and I blade. I knew exactly what happened. I tried to ignore the fact that Maia might be doing Xans and cutting her beautiful body. I felt my heartbreak all I wanted to do was cry. I tried to hold back my tears but I couldn't. I cry for two minutes and decide to go downstairs. I wipe my tears , but I knew I had to address the problem to Maia. I pick up the plastic baggie full of Xans and the Blade and bring it downstairs.

"Maia" I say

"Yes baby"

"Can you please not baby me now this is important. This is not me only being your boyfriend, but your best friend"

"What is it Diego"

I pull my hands from behind my back and show her the Xans and the blade.

"Why"I begin to cry I started to feel more and more hot tears running down my cheeks.

Him and I - Lil Xan(1)/Needs major EditingWhere stories live. Discover now