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Diego,Isabelle, Billie,Steven,Ethan,Stat,Jp and I were all down stairs setting ups for this party. he set up the kitchen so it was a mini buffet. we moved the couch so we can get a temporary stage put in for our special guest. To be honest for how many times I made Diego answer my phone it was never Gus, but I stopped letting him do this for this case. I think he started thinking I was cheating on him because when I would get a call from Gus I would go outside or not answer. When I am texting him I smile at the screen. He is funny as fuck he is funnier when he is intoxicated, but I am not going to lie Gus doing all those drugs scares me a little bit. I try to move past it sometimes put I just can't. He needs to go to The Leanos Rehabilitation Center. At the end I was really happy to se him again.


Maia has been very distant lately and it is really scaring me. I am not sure if I did something or is she cheating. I don't want to accuse her of anything is I never brought it up, but what if she is cheating.Is she mad at the fact I put her on a super tight leash for 3 months or ....... you know what fuck it.

" Et, can we talk" I yell from across the room

" umm sure " he says while running towards me

" In private" I open up the front door for Ethan and I to go outside and talk. I am just really hoping he knows something because ehe doesn't I think I might pass out.

" Diego what did you want to talk to me about"

" well feel like Maia is cheating on me"

" why do you think that"

" it is just a vibe I am getting the vibe of hiding something from you. did she say she had a surprise for you"

"That is true let's just see what happened tonight"

Him and I - Lil Xan(1)/Needs major EditingWhere stories live. Discover now