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Maia's Pov
-1 week has passed-
"Diego get the fuck up, we are going to miss our plane to New York"
"I don't want to though"
" I swear to god Diego if you don't get the fuck up right now. No sex, No hugs, and No kisses."
Diego immediately jumped out of the bed and ran to his closet. He grabbed a black hoodie and a McM bag and jacket. And we left.
When we got to the airport I say Steven,Fu, and Stat. We all said hello talked and headed off towards the security check. When we were done with all of that we all decided to get food. Let me tell you it was not simple. Steven wanted Burger King, Diego being Diego wanted McDonalds, I didn't care, Fu is vegan, and stat just laughed at us.
It took them 40mins for them to realize that they could spilt up. We finally all ate and started to board the plane.
-skip to New York-
"Baby we are here" I hear Diego say while tapping my shoulder. My eyes started to flutter open. I look out of the window and shield my eyes from the sunlight. I get up and grab my stuff and get off the plane. When we go pick up our luggage from baggage claim, we were greeted by so many fans. It was so cute, there were boys and girls of all ages and sizes and ahhh. Diego and I took photos for at least an hour but I was ready to go.
" your TRL interview isn't until 4:00pm, so you and Maia can drop your stuff off at the hotel room and go do whatever you want just make sure you and Steven get there on time" stat said.
" ok, Maia ready to go"
" yeah"
" Umm Diego I am going to go see the clock, my phone is dead and you are to busy on yours" I say. Diego nods his head and gives me a quick kiss on the cheek.
" Hey are you lost" Some man days from behind me. I turn around to face him.
" No actually I am just looking at the clock"
" My name Jack"
" I am Maia"
"Beautiful name, for a beautiful girl" jack says. I see Diego walking towards me from the corner of my eye. I really hope Diego didn't hear that because he would flip a switch.
" Maia can I have your number" I see Diego stop and give jack a glare that looks like he is going to shoot him right there. I nod my head and take jacks phone to put my number in.
I went towards the clock to tell Maia that the Uber is here to take us,but she is talking to some guy. I start walking towards her to tell her. When I finally reach her I grab her waist from behind.
" Ohh Hey baby" Maia says
"Hello, umm we got to go the Uber is here."
" Ohh Diego this is Jack, Jack this is my Boyfriend Diego"
"..........Jack this is my boyfriend Diego" Maia said. How can she date him.  He is just so ugly, oh my god. The face tats and the tattoos in general are yuck.
" Maia we really have to go, we have to be at Time square in less then a hour." Diego says. What did he mean but they had to be in Time Square.
" Umm Jack" Maia says snapping me out of my thoughts.
" yeah"
" Um, Diego has an interview with TRL at 4:00, you can call me 6ish".
Now I was really confused,who is Diego and what does he do.
When I got home I checked the time, it was 3:58. I remember Maia telling me about Diego's interview on TRL so I decided to watch it. I turn in the tv and put it on MTV.
" Everyone, let's welcome this upcoming Californian rapper. Lil Xan" I heard through the tv. Shit Diego is a rapper. I watched the whole interview with him and Tyra Banks, and let me tell you Diego is interesting. They talked about his so call riot in Redlands, the stunt him and his sister played, his sister in general, and the Maia. I didn't know they new each other for such a long time. How can I get this girl.


Him and I - Lil Xan(1)/Needs major EditingWhere stories live. Discover now