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*Two weeks later*


"Hey Ethan, Pass me the broo-" I stop talking and run to the bathroom. I start throwing up. I feel someone pulling my hair out from the toilet. turn my head and notice it was Ethan.
" Maia you have been throwing up a lot recently are you ok?"
" Just a little sick that is all" i say while pulling out my toothbrush.
" Maia, I don't think you are sick. Is there a chance you could be pregnant?"
I shoot Ethan a look. I turn my body back around and look down at the sink. Could I be pregnant with Diego's baby? We did have
" SHIT, SHIT, SHIT" I say. I feel my hot tears running down my face. If I am pregnant with Diego's baby, who is going to be around to help me with this? Will Diego be awake before I give birth?

----------------------------------Text Messages--------------------------

Me: hey, wyd 

Billie: nothing really. hbu I heard about the Diego thing  and Valentina

Me:  ok,but I am stressed though

Billie: About what M

Me:If I tell you you can't tell anyone. the only other person I talked to about this with was Ethan

Billie: I Won't tell anyone you know I wouldn't

Me: I might be pregnant with Diego's baby. And I am scared that Diego may never comeback, and who is going to help. what I am going to do with the public.

Billie: M it is going to be ok. I don't know about Diego, but do the doctors say he is getting better 

Me: yes 

Billie: then stay optimistic. And I will help you with the pregnancy and keep it away from the public. Also if you want I could by a few pregnancy tests and bring them to you.

Me: I don't want you doing that because then the public is going to think you are pregnant, and you are only 17 now. I can't put you under all that stress

Billie: You must not know me very well when was the last time I gave a fuck about what thought about me.

Me: I love you Belly, you are amazing and always know how to make me laugh

Billie: That is what I am here for. I will be there in 30 

Me: bye see you soon

----------------End of Text Messages------------------------------

" Maia, Billie is here" Ethan yells from downstairs.

" Let her in dim-wit and send her upstairs"

" Damn ok I just did" Ethan loudly whispers.

I see billie walking down the hall with a plastic bag in her hand.

"Are you ready?" she asks

"yeah" I say while grabbing the with pregnancy test. i

 pull open the the bag and see 6 boxes of test. I look up at billie and look back down. I go into the bathroom and do what I need to do.

"Hey Maia, are you done peeing on the stick" Billie says knocking on the door lightly. I walk up to the door and open, and let her in. he have now ben waiting in the bathroom for 15mins. I look down at the tests and all 6 says positive. I am so happy to have a baby with Diego, but I broke down knowing that we don't know if I will have it with him. Even though it is his.

Authors Note:I know very boring chapter but I didn't want to give you guys anything too sad since we are all recovering from Valentina's death ( including me) so I will slow down on the sadness for now.so just get prepared. umm the boo will Maybe, maybe not have a happy ending. still deciding but no matter what there will be a second book and this one is ending soon.

Him and I - Lil Xan(1)/Needs major EditingWhere stories live. Discover now