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It feels good t be back. Feeling the wind hit my face. The smell of the sky, and most if all looking at Maia's beautiful face and belly. I am so happy she is pregnant with my kids. I just wished that Valentina would meet them but that was no longer possible.

"hey are you ready to get out" Maia asks me while snapping me out of my thoughts.

" Hell yeah" I see Maia's hand grip on to the back of the wheel chair and she starts to push me towards the car.(Until he like just woke yup from a coma it will make sense for me to leave him in a wheelchair for a while). Maia helps me into the front seat, and put the wheel chair in the back of the car. She grabs the keys from her pocket, get in the front seat, and start the car. I pull out my phone and go on instagram and twitter to see what I missed the last 3 months.


The car was completely silent because was too busy scrolling through instagram. I needed background noise and until I don't want to get into a car crash setting up the aux cord, so I just turn on the radio. The first song that starts playing is Lush Life by me.(play song above, even though the song was actually made by Zara Larrson). I see Diego's head look up from his phone. he turns his head towards me and smiles.

" Is this your song?" he asks while pointing a finger towards the radio.


"Yes it is, do you like it?" Maia asks me.

"The thing with the song is that I don't like it, I love it" I say

" Thank you"

She did what Valentina wanted her to do all along. She knew it was something she would enjoy doing. I start feeling a tear run down my cheek. I turn my head towards the window so Maia wouldn't see my tears.i start feeling my eyes close and go to sleep.

-Skip till tomorrow morning-


I wake up to Diego sitting up against the bed frame with tears in his eyes. I comfort him by hugging him. he puts his head in my neck and mumbles

"I am the worst Maia, it should have been me"

" Why do you feel like that Diego?"

"When you were gone, I started drinking a lot and taking a lot of drugs, and when you came I never said anything to you. And the way Valentina started doing drugs is when she took mine. This was all my fault. I killed my own sister"

" Diego, I knew about your drugs. I saw your apartment when I came back. It broke my heart, but I know that you will over come it, and you did not kill Valentina. you were the best brother ever, and she loved you so much. I love you don't think like that". he looks at one and gives me a kiss. I  get from the bed. I feel a tug on my arm.

"Stay with me babygirl" Diegos says with his puppy eyes

"I can't I have an interview"

" But I want you stay with me" Diego whines

" Fine you can come with me"

"yay" he says while clapping his hands


"Help me up please" Diego says while reaching out his hand. I grab on to it and pull him out of the bed.

When Diego got hit by the truck kit hit a certain bone in his lower back, and it affects how he walks. Sins he was in that coma, he can walk just nit as much. He really should refrain from it, but he will still do it.

Diego and get ready and make our way to the the interview.


Roger:Everyone welcome the amazing Maia too the station. power105.1. Thank you for coming

Me: Thank you for inviting me

Roger: I see you invited a guest *turns chair to face Diego and Diego waves*

Me: I had too. I missed him

Roger: I get it I get, so there is a lot of new news with you lets start off with tour how was that for you. being that was your first time

Me: It was an amazing experience, but very tiring. I love seeing all of my fans support me. Me just being myself on stage.

Roger: Was it hard to leave California knowing anything could happen to Diego

Me: It was every hard,but after a while I knew you would wake up. also I got daily calls. thank you Emily

Roger: Also own tour you had your friend Billie Eilish. Did she help with anything

Me: As you know Billie is an amazing performer, She gave me advice and help me with anxiety attacks.* I saw Diego's head turn and face me with a questioning look*

Roger:Ok, so Maia you have been performing without a label right

Me: Yes

Roger: recently on your instagram it said you were finally signed to label

Me: I got signed yesterday

Roger: Can we know about the label now

I turn and look at Diego he nods his head

Me: well you see it is a new label that still has to be be build, but it is Leanos records

Roger: Leanos as in  Diego Leanos Lil Xan.

Me: yep

Roger: Shit man you don't stop. you jus woke up from a coma of 3 months how do you do that  That is a beast *looking at Diego*

Diego laughs and shrugs his shoulders.

Me: So until Diego is starting his label which will be official in a couple of months. I signed to that one.

Roger:lets get the fun questions shall we

Me: yes

Roger: So rumors have been saying that they saw you dancing in a Chris Brown video

Me: Oh lord, it was in High school for his video Party I was the teenager with long black hair and jeans. I swear if you spot me and post it ion your instagram and tag me I will dm you.

After more questions and quizzes I finished the interview and left the place where the interview was held. I walk up Diego to tell him to hand me the keys until he was in the phone about the record label thing. I mouthed him about the keys and we are off, and head home.


Him and I - Lil Xan(1)/Needs major EditingWhere stories live. Discover now