Chapter 10

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After leaving Silas' office, I hurried upstairs to pack a bag and within fifteen minutes I was walking through the main part of the saloon.

"Could you give this to Clara?" I asked, handing a folded paper to Arthur, behind the bar.

"Sure." He took the paper and tucked it into his pocket. "You gonna be alright?"

I nodded but couldn't manage to force a smile. "There's a woman willing to help in Marshall. I'm going to stay with her for a while."

He watched me for a second, thinking.

"Bet that didn't come cheap," he said, knowingly.

"No, it didn't." I scowled at the bar, thinking again what I'd had to give up.

"Marshall's a long way away," he said after a quiet minute. "You gonna be able to get there?"

I nodded. "I heard there's a man who makes deliveries out that way all the time. I should be able to get a ride."

Arthur looked skeptical, but nodded. "Good luck."

"Thanks," I said before heading out the doors. Turning left, I walked down the street toward the shop where I'd been told I could get a ride.

It looked like a large barn. There were even stables toward the back. Most of the spacious area was taken up with large wooden crates, and over to the right, a man sat at a table, writing something.

"Excuse me." I approached him.

"Yeah?" he said, not taking his eyes from his paper work.

"I heard that you make deliveries to Marshall often," I said. "Is there any chance you'd be going today?"

"Might be," he said, looking up to focus on me. After a second he smiled.

I smiled back, feeling hopeful that he seemed willing to help.

"Could I get a ride there?" I asked.

He tilted his head and looked at me for a moment before answering.

"I'm runnin' a business, not a charity."

"I have a little money," I tried.

Silas gave us some money for expenses every month. Since I never went anywhere and could make due with very few things apart from what was already provided, I'd managed to hold on to a lot of it over the last two and half years. At least, until I'd needed new clothes for when I was pregnant and some other items for Levi. Silas was willing to help with exactly one thing concerning Levi - getting rid of him. So I'd had to use a good portion of my savings for the things I needed.

Still, I had some left. I was just hoping to be able to give it to the woman I'd be staying with. But I suppose it wouldn't do much good unless I could actually get there.

He scoffed. "I doubt you have enough."

I was confused. How would he know how much money I had? He was right though. I didn't have that much.

"But if you're going anyway," I tried. "I thought-"

"I might be willin' to accept somethin' else."

"But I don't have anything else," I said. Aside from Levi and my few personal belongings, I didn't have anything.

"You sure about that?"

I was confused for another second until he grinned and allowed his eyes to scan down my body.

"You been off the market for a while," he said. "And I never did get my turn."

Disgusted, I scowled at him.

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