Chapter 22

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"Oh, Papa, look at this fabric!" Eleanor said, holding on to a deep blue material.

"It's very nice," I said automatically. You couldn't prove by me that it was much different than the others, but I was glad that she liked it.

"Could we have a dress made?" she asked, hopeful.

"Where would you put it?" I laughed.

"I suppose we'll have to get another trunk," she said with a smile.

I pursed my lips and pretended to think about it, even though I'd never been able to refuse her almost anything.

Was I spoiling her? She didn't act like a spoiled brat, but was I giving her too many things? Was there such a thing? If only I'd been able to give her the one thing she truly needed - a mother. She didn't remember Evelyn, so she didn't miss her. But that didn't mean she didn't miss having a mother. Every girl needed that.

Eleanor giggled, knowing that she was going to get her new dress and began moving toward the shoes.

"Oh, I'm sorry," she said, after bumping into a woman with red hair.

"Not at all." The woman smiled.

Eleanor glanced at her belly and then up to her face again.

"Oh, you're having a baby!" she said happily. "How nice. When is it coming?"

The woman blushed and looked uncomfortable for a moment before she smiled.

"I'm terribly sorry," I said. "I'm afraid my daughter doesn't realize that it's not polite to speak of certain things." I gave Eleanor a pointed look and she bit her lip, mildly chastised.

"It's no trouble," the woman said before looking back to Eleanor. "The doctor says it'll be in about a month, but I'm not so sure. Feels like it might be any minute."

Eleanor looked excited. "Do you have any names picked out?"

She laughed. "I'm afraid there are far too many names I like. This baby might wind up with about ten middle names."

Eleanor giggled. "I have two middle names."

"What are they?" the woman asked. "Maybe that will help me narrow some of my choices down a bit."

"Abigail and Renee. My first name's Eleanor."

"Oh, those are pretty names," she said. "And I was actually thinking about Abigail since that's my mother-in-law's name."

"Really?" Eleanor looked so pleased.

She nodded and I couldn't help but think that was interesting. It must be a coincidence though. Abigail wasn't an unusual name.

"I'm Annie," she said. "Are you new to town? I don't think I've seen you before."

"Just passin' through, Ma'am," I said, wondering how she got here herself. Judging by her accent, she was clearly not born here. "My job requires a good bit of travel. I'm afraid we've been new to a lot of towns."

"Oh, that's too bad," she said. "You must not get home cooked meals very often then."

Wasn't that the truth.

"Afraid not." I sighed. "I don't mind for myself so much, but Eleanor deserves better than restaurant food all the time."

"Oh, I'm fine, Papa," she said. "I like it."

Annie smiled at her for a moment.

"You must come have dinner with my family," she said. "For tonight, at least."

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