Chapter Thirteen

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So the reason I'm so late with this upload is because I was going to write a chapter while they were with their families, BUT I was finding it so difficult so I kept leaving it till last minute. I decided I was just gonna skip that bit, so forgive me ♥ Sorry guys! Enjoy,


P.S. I will be uploading another chapter in an hour. (I've written 4 today + I'm writing another now, which is the last chapter. There will be an epilouge.)

Chapter Thirteen

*A week later*

*Niall Horan*

“What do you mean the tour, and trip to Sweden is cancelled?” I screamed into the phone, I’d just gotten off the plane and was, officially back home in London. I’d just gotten a message from Simon yesterday telling me there was a change of plans and what plane to catch. At the time I didn’t really think it through. I thought it would be over soon enough. I called Louis to come pick me up but he hadn’t answered, I was considering calling Liam but after my week with the family. The thought of us being together seemed a lot less likely of happening, and I didn’t want to deal with that right now. So instead I called Harry. Only to be told our tour and trip to Sweden was cancelled.

“Louis’s missing…” Harry’s voice was lost, like it was about to break at any time. Missing? Louis was missing? “He didn’t go see his family; I called them. They said he never came.”

Louis was big on family, all of us knew that. That’s one of the reasons we always squeezed in visits, to the rents and siblings. It wasn’t like Louis to just take off, especially if it met he couldn’t see his sisters, Mum and Dad. “Harry…”

“It’s my fault Niall.” Harry’s voice was filled with pain, regret and anger. With the way they’d been acting towards each other it wouldn’t surprise me at all if that really was the case. Harry had been a jerk to Louis lately. “Anyways, I’m just around the corner. I’ll see you in a few.” Then he hung up.

Suddenly I found myself trying to think of what Harry could have said to make Louis want to flee. I slid my hands into my pockets and began pacing. A part of me wanted to scream at Harry but the other part just wanted me to open up my arms and hold him; letting him cry on my shoulder. I wouldn’t do either of those things.

A SUV pulled up in the curve, and the window rolled down to reveal my favourite curly-haired men. Looking at how broken he looked mad my heart clenched- he thought this was his entire fault. His eyes were swollen and it wasn’t the little ‘I’ve been crying’ it looked more like he could just tell people he was punched twice and it would pass.

I quickly hopped in and we were off. The trip was awkwardly silent, mainly because the tension was quite clear. I wasn’t comfortable with what I had decided to do and I knew it had to be done. “Harry…”

“Yeah?” Harry didn’t bother to look at me, he kept his eyes steady on the road. I’d never seen him more focused than he was now at this very moment. Maybe I should wait until he’s not driving… No, it’s now or never.

Determined I turned to him. “There’s something you should know.”

Harry gave a humourless chuckle, “Isn’t there always?”

“It’s about you and Louis.”

*Liam Payne*

I was going to be so ninja like. I’d gotten the message about everything cancelled due to Louis’s disappearance earlier than the rest of the lads, so I decided to go home a day earlier than what we’d originally planned. Honestly what I really wanted was to surprise Niall, when he got off the plane, which may explain why I was aimlessly walking around the airport in search of him.

I’d told my parents I was bisexual in that week we’d spent together. Surprisingly, they kind of guess- when you have a mother like mine; you tend to expect it half the time. So did my sisters, yet when I wanted to mention Niall the words seem to have faded from my mouth. From the look of Mum’s eyes whenever I began I knew she knew what I was trying to say.

Niall’s plane landed ten minutes ago, and I couldn’t see him at all. “Harry…” My head snapped over to where my dearest Nialler stood, just outside of the airport awaiting someone to pick him up. My confidence faded…

He’d called Harry instead of me.

I watched.

I was frozen.

He got into the car.

They drove away.



He’d told me, Niall didn’t love me.

He’d told me Niall loved Harry.

I didn’t listen.

Now they were together.


And I was alone, again.


“Is it working?” she hissed.

I shook my head. “Look, babe; you have to understand. This task isn’t easy.”

She rolled her sharp cat-like eyes, and growled like an animal. “You don’t get it!                I need this done! I need this done.”

I nodded, and gave her a kiss on the cheek, “I won’t fail you, Harmony.”

*Niall Horan*


“Yeah?” Harry didn’t bother to look at me, he kept his eyes steady on the road. I’d never seen him more focused than he was now at this very moment. Maybe I should wait until he’s not driving… No, it’s now or never.

Determined I turned to him. “There’s something you should know.”

Harry gave a humourless chuckle, “Isn’t there always?”

“It’s about you and Louis.” I took a deep breath. Harry had stiffened but had made no attempt to respond in anyway. I knew he was listening. I could see it in his eyes even though they weren’t looking at me. “I need to know what’s going on.”


“Bullshit, Harry. You know why? Liam and Zayn are trying to tear you apart. They think if you guys keep being stuck in limbo you’re going to annoy the crap out of the fans and the whole bands going to combust. So whatever they told you, it’s a lie.” I blurted it out, I let it all go. With it all the guilt pain and sorrow I’d been feeling for the past couple of days, fell away…

Harry gulped, “They told me that it was Louis. Louis threatened Caroline; he’d somehow gotten a hold of quite a few embarrassing photos of her. He told her he would release them if she didn’t somehow ‘ruin’ our relationship in public eye. That’s why she told the media our relationship wouldn’t last.

“I didn’t believe them at first. I mean I’m not that low, I love Louis- he’s my best mate. They showed me something though, Louis’s journal. I didn’t think Louis was one for journal writing so I thought it was fake but when I opened it was his exact handwriting.

“It said so many things about my old girlfriends and people I’d hooked up with. He said- He said…” A tear ran down Harry’s face but he was quick to wipe it away before going on, “I was a horrible person. I’d never be able to keep an appropriate steady relationship going, and he’d never accept any girlfriend I had. There was so much more Niall… it was horrible.”

My heart ached for him, but at the same time I knew something was up “Harry it’s just Liam and Zayn. They’re trying to get between,”

“Shut up,” Harry snapped cutting in, “I called Caroline, and it’s true. We’re still friends, remember?”

That was when I found myself, lacking my trust in Louis…

From Tormented To Worse (boyXboy) (Niam Horayne & Larry Stylinson)Where stories live. Discover now