Chapter 1

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I don't do the "previously on-" type of thing so if you want to understand everything going on then I suggest you read the book Forever Yours before reading this one, otherwise it'll be very confusing.

Happy reading!


Chapter 1



No part of my body was spared. Each and every muscle fiber felt like it was being pulled to its limit and every organ felt like it was being squeezed. Despite the awful pain, I didn't yell or shout.

Was it because my throat and vocal cords felt ruined and I couldn't even move? Maybe. Whatever the reason, I felt completely still while my body felt like it was being ripped into two. Was this how dying feels like?

That lasted for what seemed like years. The constant tugging of muscles, snapping of bones, it was almost like I was dumped in a shredder turned to high speed.

I wanted to yell and shout for help, I wanted to move away from the pain that was enveloping my entire being, but I had no control over my body.

I had to take each painful hit.

All of a sudden, a cool relief swept over me and numbed down the pain. It was still there, but it was now a dull throb...a lot better than how it felt before.

I was now becoming more aware of my senses and I could feel someone holding my neck up while a warm, yet cool, liquid was being forced down my throat. It tasted like cool mint and I struggled to move my arms to gulp down more of it.

I was disappointed when I could no longer taste it, and the hand that was holding my neck laid me down on a warm ground. I couldn't fight off sleep as I fell back into the darkness.


My bones ached when I stretched after waking up. I felt around for my glasses near where I usually put them before I sleep and placed them on when I had located them.

Whoa...I could not see a thing.

Was I going blind? Please tell me I'm not going more blind than I already am.

I took off my glasses and was shocked to see that I could see everything clearly. I could make out every wrinkle in the comforter, every object in the table across from me, every design on the ceiling. I could see everything.

Placing my glasses back on, my vision was insanely blurry. But when I took them off again, it was clear.

I stared hard at my glasses and found that it was indeed my glasses. The same prescription that I had used last night.

Last night.

The events of last night hit me like a train and I sat up straighter in the bed. It was then I realized that this isn't my bed.

I looked in front of me. That isn't my television.

I looked to my left. The door was cracked open and I could clearly make out a fancy white sink. That isn't my bathroom.

Looking around the room, I couldn't help but awe at how classy the room was. It felt like I was tainting the beauty of the room with my presence in it.

Slowly getting up, I frowned when I saw that I wasn't wearing the clothes that I remember wearing. Now I was dressed in a white hoodie with gray sweatpants that I know don't belong to me, I don't have any of these clothes.

So that means someone changed my clothes.

I shuddered at the idea before fully standing up from the bed and placing the glasses inside the hoodie pocket. Maybe my vision was just having a miracle day and this was God's way of apologizing for making me get kidnapped by that lunatic. That really, really, really hot lunatic.

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