Chapter 18

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Chapter 18

You know how in those horror movies where the girl is lured into a private area and she foolishly calls out for help, practically announcing to the awaiting murderers that she's there before dying? Yeah at the very moment that was me.

I was standing outside the factory that Haley was talking about, but the good girl in me wouldn't enter the factory after seeing the keep out sign. What? There was still some part of me that listened to rules, and one of the most basic rules that I had to listen to was the keep out sign. Especially if it was on a fence.

It was already enough that I had to climb up through the fence that I was praying wasn't an electric fence. That was more than enough rebellion that I was comfortable with.

Now I was yelling out Haley's name, hoping that the world wold give me a sign that she was safe.

"Haley! Haley! Please tell me you're here or something!" I shouted. No answer. I sighed, looking around the area. The factory was surrounded my dead grass and few trees that had no leaves in them. The moonlight only added to the creepy, horror-movie vibe this place was giving. "Haley!"

Was it stupid to think that Haley was going to respond? What if she was tied up and duct taped? 

"Haley! Where are you!" I shouted. The wind picked up speed and I wrapped the scarf tighter on my neck and hugged my body. Maybe I should have brought a coat instead of a thin jacket because the cold was getting ridiculous.

Looking at the building, I knew that going inside was the only way that I was going to see if Haley really was okay or not. I hugged the jacket tighter against me before walking inside.

I'm not sure what an abandoned factory was suppose to look like, but I didn't expect it to look like this. There was a big, open clearing while the walls were lined with crates that reached up to the roof. It seemed like the only place that someone could be at in here was in the open area since the crates were against the wall and touched the ceiling.

Here's hoping Haley isn't in any of the crates.

"Haley?" I called out, walking further inside. The door behind me banged closed and I jumped in shock. Luckily the ceiling was made of glass so I had the moonlight illuminating the place so I wasn't in the complete dark. "Hello?"

"You are really stupid," a voice behind me said. I looked behind and saw Karla leaning against one of the crates, twirling a knife in her hands. "First you come inside a stranger's house, willingly might I add, then you get in her car, and now this? Wow I'm surprised you're still alive."

Instead of the helpful and nice expression she wore when I first met her, I saw her for who she truly was. Her eyes held an evil glint to them and a smirk was on her face. "What do you want with me? Where's Haley?" I asked, ignoring the insult she threw at me.

She picked at her fingernails. "It's funny really. How all I had to do was keep saying 'help me Nebraska' before you showed up here. Alone too, man you really aren't that smart are you?"

Now that I think about it, I should have known it wasn't Haley on the phone. Haley always calls me Braska, but I was too blinded and dumb to think about that when I heard her call for help. "So you really don't have her?" I asked. If all Karla wanted was me, then I was okay with that since Haley was safe and because I could take her on.

Sure my fighting skills weren't that impressive, but I was a vampire, and vampire were suppose to have super strength and speed right? It shouldn't be that hard to take on a witch.

"No I have her, she's right here." She moved to the side and I choked on a sob. There she was, Haley, on the floor unconscious. There was a gash on her forehead and her hair was in a tangled mess. Her skin was also paler than usual.

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