Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

"You suck."

"You swallow."

"Now you're just being gross," I muttered, throwing a cotton ball away. "Don't be a baby and just let me fix your face."

So after our sweet moment of being in each other's arms, we realized that we couldn't have Jason return back to this scene. While I prepared a first aid kit I stole from the other rooms in the motel, I placed ten dollars on the counter each room I took something from, Layton was getting rid of the dead bodies.

By getting rid of the dead bodies, I don't mean throwing them in the dumpster or something. No, apparently that would grab 'too much attention'. Also, he wanted to burn the bodies to make sure that they really are eliminated permanently. Since we couldn't exactly do that here, we had to hide them until we could burn them.

So where did the genius decide to hide the bodies? In the bathroom. No I'm not kidding, he really did stack the bodies on top of each other in the bathtub and pulled the curtain over so it would hide them from whoever enters the bathroom.

Gross? I know, and I tried to tell him that, but he wouldn't listen. When he was finished hiding the bodies, I made him sit down while I worked on fixing the cuts.

Layton, he can take on three vampires at once, he can take a punch, a kick, he can take getting stabbed and thrown in different places. One thing he can't handle is rubbing alcohol.

I didn't even touch his skin before he was making excuses as to why he shouldn't have rubbing alcohol. After some story about being allergic to it and having rashes, I practically tuned him out while I continued doing my work.

"The cuts aren't even that bad! You don't need to apply that," he whined, watching me soak another cotton ball.

I rolled my eyes. "It's not about it being bad, it's about it being infected. The sun is still up so I can't take you to a hospital so this is the best you got," I told him, holding his arm steady.

"But I really think that- ow shit! That burns!" he shouted, flinching and moving his arm away. I stared at him exasperated.

"I barely even touched you!"

"But I could feel it!"

"That was the cotton ball not the alcohol!"

"Obviously you aren't a good doctor."

"Well you aren't a good patient!"

"What does that have to do with-"

"We're back!" Levi announced, coming inside with Jason. Jason had a toy story band-aid in his right arm and a lollipop in his mouth. He was smiling when he came inside but frowned when he took sight of Layton.

When Levi placed Jason down, he walked up to Layton and touched his face. "What happen to your face?" he asked, feeling his cuts and bruises.

Layton smiled and gently moved Jason's fingers away from his face. "Nothing bud, I just fell, that's all," he said. Jason nodded like he believed every word while Levi raised his eyebrows at us. It was easy fooling a three-year old, not a two-hundred year old vampire.

"I'm gonna use the bathroom," Levi muttered, walking inside.

"Wai-" Layton's hand covered my mouth. "Go ahead, take a shower cause you stink," Layton called after Levi. Levi said a curse to Layton before closing the door and locking it. When Layton removed his hand from my mouth I hit him in the head.

"What was that for? Why did you let Levi go inside?" I asked, trying to hold in my smile that was trying to escape.

Layton shrugged. "He's an ass. So it's only fair that I-"

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