Chapter 15

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Chapter 15

If being on a road-trip with the guys was bad, imagine being in a plane with them. We weren't in the plane yet but I could tell it was going to be really bad. One, Jason hated plane rides and has non-stop being crying while we were waiting to board our plane. Two, Levi decided it was a smart idea to bring only one bag for everyone since he said he didn't want to carry a lot of bags. Third, the guys wouldn't tell me where we were going!

'Canada' was all they said, as if Canada was a small place! I want to know where in Canada, what city, all that stuff so I can do my research. Sure, we are on the run from hunters and all but can't we have fun while we're at it?

"What plane are we boarding?" I asked, looking out of the window. It was only three in the morning, but the airport still had a lot of people coming and going. I didn't know people boarded a plane this early in the day.

Then again, I don't have much experience with traveling by plane. Jason and I have only been on a plane once a year to visit relatives for Christmas but that was it.

"I'll tell you when we board," Layton replied, keeping his eye on his phone. Speaking of which, where was my phone? No doubt I had a lot of messages and missed calls on that thing.

Seeing as Layton wasn't going to tell me, I leaned my head back against the seat. "You know, I am a part of this whole thing too," I reminded him.

His eyes didn't leave the phone as he shrugged, which irritated me. Can't he show the least bit that he cared? Or at least act like I was more than just luggage he had to drag around? "Why won't you tell me where we're going?" I asked.

"I did, I said Canada," he muttered, still not looking up from his phone. I swear I was five seconds away from ripping the thing out of his hands and throwing it across the room. Was he even allowed to have that out?

"Where in Canada though," I groaned. If he doesn't look at me as he answers the question I'm taking the phone away.

Luckily for him, Levi stepped in with a cup of coffee in one hand. "British Columbia, Vancouver to be exact," he answered, taking a seat in front of me and Layton.

Finally! Some answers. "Is that where Drew and Sabrina are hiding?" I asked.

Levi nodded, and as expected Layton didn't take his eyes on the phone but I saw the slightest motion of a nod. "They're not exactly hiding. They're living in Vancouver now since it's one of the places with the least amount of supernaturals," Levi explained.

"Flight 34A, now boarding," an electronic voice said. I remained seated while Levi and Layton both got up. Layton finally placed the phone in his pocket as he grabbed the bags. It then occurred to me that this was our flight so I gathered a sleeping Jason in my arms as I followed them.

If they had just told me which flight we were on, then I would have been able to help with the bags. But since they didn't, the bags were now their problem.

Since the two boys were busy with the bags, I got in the plane first and quickly found our seats. I placed Jason on the seat closest to the window while I took the one next to him. People started boarding the plane and filling up the seats. 

Levi and Layton finally emerged through the doors and sat down in the seats in front of us. "How long is this flight?" I asked, pulling the curtains closed so the sun wouldn't hurt me.

"The pilot is a vampire so it's quicker than usual," Levi whispered back.

My eyes widened with that statement. A vampire was driving this plane? That explains the dark curtains in every window. But did that mean that all the passengers were vampires?

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