Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

As a person, I was never a fan of blood. When I was a young girl, I hated going to the hospital; everyone there was either dead or dying and blood was almost everywhere. I avoided blood like the plague and was happy with that kind of life.

In a matter of just a little over two days, I've seen more blood in those two days than in my entire years of living. 

Now I was seeing a completely enraged Layton attacking someone with absolutely no mercy in his eyes or actions. I don't mean the kind of attack using just punches and kicks and stopping when the person looked dead, no he was way past that.

I mean the kind of attacking where he's ripping out limb from limb and throwing them across the room. The guy was already dead and as much as I tried to tell Layton that, he wouldn't listen. Of course, I wasn't trying that hard to tell him. I was still cowered against the wall while keeping an eye on Jason. How he managed to stay asleep throughout this entire thing was beyond me.

Layton tossed the last of the body out of the window but still looked completely angry. "He's dead," I softly said, hoping it would calm him down a little.

"He better damn be!" he growled out. I flinched from his tone and looked down. After seeing how he handled that, I was kind of nervous of how he'll react to me. 

Actually that's a lie, I'm completely terrified of him. That guy had more experience with fighting than me and he stood no chance against Layton. Even when he managed to get a lucky punch in, he was getting beat up in another area.

"Are you okay?" I asked, hugging my knees closer to my chest.

"What do you think?" he snapped, turning his sharp gaze at me. I looked down, trying not to let any tears escape. I didn't have to think hard to know that part, or most, of his anger was due to me running away.

I needed a distraction from him so I turned my attention to Jason. I walked over to him and sat down next to him, shaking him a little to wake him up. I could hear Layton leave the room making me sigh in relief. Good, he didn't need to be here to see this.

Also I was scared about how he'll act around Jason if he was still moody.

Jason opened one of his eyes and groggily looked around. Once he saw who I was, he immediately sat up. "Braska, that you?" he asked in his cute sleepy voice.

"Yeah Jace, it's me," I said, moving his hair back.

He stared at me. "Where your glasses? And what happened to your hair? Braska where you been?" he kept asking. His eyes widened. "Did you go on a adventure!"

I nodded my head, chuckling a little. "Yeah. It was definitely an adventure alright."

He pouted. "You did not bring me though...."

I nodded. "That's why I came back. I'm gonna bring you on the adventure with me!" He grinned and gave me a hug. 

"Thank you Braska!"

I laughed, pushing him away gently. "Get changed." He ran out and to the bathroom. I blew some air out and walked downstairs to deal with the two. 

They were in my kitchen, with Levi sitting in one of the chairs and Layton leaning against the counter. I turned my gaze away from him. "Okay, how did you guys find me?" I asked, crossing my arms.

"The fact that you underestimated us hurts a little," Layton scoffed, taking a bite of one of the apples on the counter. Well just make yourself at home why don't you.

"I thought vampires were suppose to be invited in," I said.

"Then explain how that guy got in here and how we barged in. Sweetheart, not everything in books or movies is real," Levi said.

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