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Layton's point of view

~Four years later~

I smiled as I watched the sun set over the ocean. Drew and Sabrina were finally given the throne, and they allowed us to stay with them, which we of course accepted since the mansion was huge with more than enough room.

I was sitting on the edge of a cliff near the castle, with my legs hanging over the edge. I lied down on the soft grass and looked up at the trees that were shading me away from the sun's harsh glare. Luckily the sun's rays were hitting my jeans so I wasn't getting hurt.

Wrapping one arm over my head, I thought about everything that happened to me in the past. Whenever I think about the past, my mind always wanders to the event that happened four years ago.

Thinking about that happened then brought my mood down and I sat up straight, seeing the sun was gone and the moon was high. I looked down at the ocean water crashing against the cliff and wondered how it would feel if I had just jumped.

I felt small hands wrap around me making me smile. "Daddy what's wrong?" I heard.

I turned around and faced a now seven year-old Jason looking at me worriedly. He had so many of Nebraska's characteristics. The same brown eyes, the same nose shape, the same cheekbones, and the same smile.

"Just thinking," I said, putting him on my lap and holding him tightly so he wouldn't fall.

"Don't drop me daddy!" he exclaimed, holding on to my arms tighter.

"Now I would never," I said, giving him a kiss on the forehead.

"I don't like Levi as the teacher. He's mean when I get an answer wrong," he said, making me laugh. Since I couldn't risk having Jason be seen out in public, I had Levi teach him all the things that he was suppose to know in the world.

The problem with that is Levi doesn't know half of what he's teaching and practically repeats word for word everything he reads on Wikipedia. Poor Jason probably has a lot of lies fed to him.

We were both silent for a while as we just stared out into the ocean. After a while I could hear Jason's heart become steady so I knew that he was already asleep. I picked him up and ran back inside the castle and into his room.

I brushed some hair from his eyes and tucked him in before giving him a kiss on the forehead. "Will you tell me a story?" he asked, looking up at me sleepily.

I smiled and sat down beside him. "Once upon a time, there was a warrior who was only taught how to kill. He thought the only time he could ever feel happy was when he had the blood of his enemy in his hands."

"Daddy that's too gory," Jason said, putting his hands to his ears, making me smile.

"Sorry kid. Anyways, eventually one day he meets this fair maiden. She made him feel things that he never felt before."

"Hungry?" Jason added. "Warriors never eat, so did he feel hungry for her?"

There were so many things wrong with that he just said. "Uh...yeah Jace, he felt hungry for her," I worded carefully.

"So did he eat her?" he asked. I swear if Levi was putting things into his mind...

"In a way..um...yeah eventually he ate her and they lived happily ever after," I ended, giving him another kiss on the forehead. "Night Jace," I said, slipping out before he could call me back in the room again.

In my rush, I bumped into Sabrina. "Hey, what's the hurry?" she asked, crossing her arms and looking at me teasingly.

"Levi is putting thoughts in Jason's head," I muttered, rubbing my eyes.

Sabrina laughed. "Oh I feel bad with that must be going around in his mind right now. But he knows what we are right?" she asked. 

I nodded. I told Jason about vampires and that we were vampires when he turned five. Since he was only five, it was easier for him to grasp on to the idea that he was living in a mansion full of vampires. It was a little worrying but every vampire in the mansion knew now to take blood from him unless they wanted to die.

I walked to the study and helped Drew with the paperwork since his handwriting was awful and no one could understand it. I just listened and wrote down what he told me to write down.

Looking out the window, I could see the sun starting to rise so I said my goodbyes to Drew before heading off to my room.

When I walked in, I smiled at the figure who was brushing her hair in the vanity. She couldn't see herself or me so I walked up to her and wrapped my arms around her, making her squeal in surprise. 

"So where were you all day?" I asked, giving her a kiss. She pulled away and smiled at me.

"I was teaching Levi the proper way to introduce long addition to a seven year-old. I'm afraid that he's going to poison Jason's mind with wrong facts," she said.

She got up and walked to the bed while I followed her. I got in first before pulling her to me and positioning her head on my chest. "You know you need to change out of your jeans," she pointed out, making me smirk.

"You want me to take them off?" I asked, smiling as I watched the blood rush to her cheeks.

"That's not what I meant and you know it," she muttered. "Now go to bed and stop laughing at me."

"I'd never purposely laugh at you," I told her, making her laugh a little. I stared at the ceiling while thinking to myself how lucky I had it four years ago.

Four years ago, I had the chance to have a life everyone in my family had. I screwed up so many times along the way, and I'm still finding ways to screw up somehow, but luckily I never lost the things that meant the world to me.

I now have a family of my own. I have everything I wanted as a child. Smiling, I gave the love of my life a kiss on her forehead. "I love you Nebraska," I whispered softly. She was already asleep but I saw the faintest trace of a smile when I said those words.

Plus, I didn't need to hear them coming from her to know that she loved me back. Just having her here was more than enough.


And that's the end! I'll probably add some more bonus chapters so you guys know what happened in the last four years but other than that this book and the series is done!

The next book I'm going to post soon is Sabrina and Drew's story, which will be interesting. In the book, you'll also find out how Levi came into their lives. The story will be called Hunting Love.

Anyways, thanks for all the support you guys have given for Nebraska and Layton's story! It's all your wonderful support that encouraged me to keep on writing even when I thought that there was no way the book was ever going to be finished. 

Thanks again for reading! 

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