Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

"So you guys are rich?"

"In a way, yes."

"And that means you have a lot of money....right?"

"That would be the definition of being rich, yes."

"So tell me why we're staying at this place that's barely being held up. For cake's sake, it looks like the only thing holding it up is the piece of wood laying on the side there!"

After we drove for who knows how many hours, we finally stopped at a place and Levi said we were staying there for the night while he rests from driving so long. I know he isn't really tired from driving, more like he was bored of it actually, but we had to listen since no one else was allowed to drive but him.

What he didn't tell us was how cheap he was being by spending only twenty dollars for one night for all four of us in one room with two beds. Sounds like a good deal? It would have been, if the condition of the motel was any better.

We weren't even inside the motel yet but I could already tell just from looking at it from the outside that I was going to hate it. Even Layton shared the same thoughts and was now going off at his brother for picking the worst possible place to stay.

Levi being Levi, argued back and now the two were in an all-out verbal abuse war. I rolled my eyes at the pair and went to Jason, who was looking at the plants near where the car was parked in the parking lot. "Hey buddy, how are you?" I asked, bending down to his level.

He gave me a smile back. "Good, why Layton and Levi fight?" he asked, pointing at the two. I shook my head at them before turning back to him.

"I don't know bud, those two fight all the time. Don't worry, they don't get hurt," much, "so it's okay. But if they are fighting, don't go anywhere near them, okay?" I warned, giving him a serious look.

The last thing I wanted was for an argument to become into a fist fight and having my little brother right in the middle of it. 

"Braska, why we here?" he asked, looking at the motel in distaste. Even my brother hated the place and Jason will sleep practically anywhere.

I shrugged in response. "I don't know, I don't even wanna be here either."

Instead of waiting for the two to finish up their fight, I picked up Jason and walked inside the motel, leaving Layton and Levi to deal with the bags. Just as I predicted, the inside was just as horrible as the outside.

If it isn't the sight of the motel that gets you running away, it's the smell. I doubt the employees here know that this magical thing called a mop and air freshener exists. Heck, I'm not even sure there were employees here in the first place.

There were only two chairs in the lobby. They were the kind of plastic white chairs that you usually put in the living room or garage at someone's birthday party. You know, the kind that only seats one person? Yeah there was only two of that in here.

The building looked close to breaking and crashing down on the ground. There was dirt everywhere, even in the walls, of the lobby. I could make out five different stains on the walls and there was a puddle of something that smells like a dirty barn in one corner of the lobby.

I made sure to carry Jason the entire way and pushed his hands from whatever he was trying to touch. I didn't need him touching anything in here and suddenly getting a bacterial disease or something.

I walked up to the front counter and grimaced at the sight. A middle-aged man with a shirt that was covered in multiple stains was reading the paper. Did I mention that the man's shirt didn't even cover his entire stomach? His pot belly was bulging out and I resisted the urge to just run away and sleep in the floor of a nearby bus station. 

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