Chapter 12

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Chapter 12

As soon as he said that all fight left my system. Instead I just stared at him. Was what he was saying true? Was I really his soulmate?

Looking at what I was told about soulmates and how Layton acted before this whole transformation thing, it did make sense. All those notes, the gifts, hell even nearly killing someone, it was all because I was his soulmate?

Suddenly the air felt thicker and my lungs were having trouble working. "I need some air," I chocked out, getting up and running out the door. I could faintly hear him calling after me but I didn't want to hear it and I kept running.

Looking out the window, I strained my eyes and saw that it was barely past noon. I knew that the sun was going to burn my skin so I wasn't going to go out. 

That made me wonder though, how did Levi get out with Jason without getting burned? Maybe a coat or something? I decided not to worry about it since Levi didn't seem like the type of person to risk his own life like that.

Having nowhere to go, I took my chance and went to the lobby, sighing in relief when I saw that the creepy man wasn't there. In fact, I was alone there, which I was really grateful for. I didn't want anyone near me at this moment.

I walked over to one of the plastic chairs and sat down with my head in my hands. I started taking deep breaths while trying not to lose it and start crying. While there may not seem to be something to cry about, it was all I wanted to do right now.

All of this was too much. Vampires, soulmates, was all too much for me to take in.

No one should have to go through all this. No one should have to make decisions that I have had to make. No one should have to feel like they're choosing between their life or their loved ones. I wasn't meant for this. I wasn't meant to be a soulmate to anybody. I wasn't meant to be a vampire.

I wasn't meant to be any of this!

Feeling a tear slip out, I quickly wiped it away before anyone could see. For a while I just sat there staring at nothing in particular. It was all silent and peaceful, it was the perfect atmosphere to just calmly think about some things.

It was then I realized how ridiculous I was being. I was acting like those girls in the fictional stories who cry over every little thing and need a knight in shining armor to save them.

Maybe the old Nebraska needed a knight in shining armor to save her from the torment that is high school, but the new Nebraska doesn't. The new Nebraska doesn't need anyone to save her. She only needs herself.

I don't need a knight in shining armor! I don't need anyone to come and save me.

Taking another deep breath, I stood up and started walking back to the room with determination. 

This was it. I was done being the scared little girl who couldn't go inside bathrooms by herself. I was done being the scared little girl who had to look over her shoulder every other second. I was done being pushed around and treated like a rag doll.

No, I was done being weak.

This new me is going to fight her own battles. Hell, this new me is going to start battles if I have to! 

I burst through the door and was immediately smacked across the face.

The impact made me lose my balance and land on the floor. Holding my cheek, I looked up to see Layton fighting two other vampires, who looked absolutely ready for blood. Their skin was paler than any of ours, their eyes were bloodshot red, and from where I was standing they looked like they had a trail of blood coming from their mouths.

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